TRIPLE POST for netherworld_rpg

Nov 17, 2009 22:54

[OOC NOTE: Due to the varied nature of how Misery will be spending her time in NW, this is three posts. When you reply, pick one of them, and put the number of it as the comment subject!]

--1-- (For anyone)

It's strange how hard it can be to get used to being one's own master. I've spent years following the orders of others, and now I finally have a glimpse of freedom... what will I do with it, I wonder?

Were any of you servants of others before coming here?

--2-- (For non-omnipotent good guys)

You're a persistent one, aren't you? No matter. My master's orders are absolute, so you'll be coming with me whether you want to or not. If you know what's good for you, you'll come along without putting up a fight.

--3-- (For Revya)

My Lord.

I'm afraid the target was able to escape. They have more allies than I had predicted, so I was forced to withdraw.

I am prepared to accept my punishment.
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