mayfield_rpg WHAT AM I DOING

Nov 18, 2009 19:53

Always with the shouting and the screaming and the declarations of war~ Ah, I'm so happy. I was worried you young pups had gone and gotten all peaceful and civilized on me, but it seems you younger nations are just as bloodthirsty and warmongering as I was at your age. Thank goodness things are still nice and entertaining!

Please do keep your battles public for the rest of us- this is better than the colosseums back home! Although it could use some more lions. Do they have lions here? And what's with this "cold" war business? Poppycock! In my day we slugged it out with swords and arrows and the occasional crucifixion. In the snow. Uphill both ways. Like real men.

Oh, but, uh, hmm, you know... just don't expect it to actually accomplish anything. You can fight each other all you want, but in the end, it won't make you happy. War, fighting, killing... These things never work out in the end. Grandpa knows.

...Sure is fun, though! Wahahahahahahaha!

Anywho, how is everybody doing~? You young'uns are just so cute, Grandpa could give you all a great big hug~ In fact, I think I will! Don't try to hide, Grandpa knows where you sleep.

[player] bf

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