Dad told me this morning that he was proud of me. Proud that I'm using the Baskin Robbins theory. lol. Yesterday, I had it lined up to hang out with three different boys
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It's all coming to a close so quickly. I have one half-hearted week of high school left, and then it's gone forever. The friends, the classes, the life.... I know college will be a blast. I'm excited for it. But I was really getting used to high school
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I am sitting here... waiting for a phone call from Tyson so he can actually invite me to play racquetball. X3 This whole process of tonight's thing has been so complicated, and now Tyson and I can only participate in the part I didn't really wanna do. But I'll take it anyway
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Do you ever just need to talk? Not just talk, but talk talk talk. Fill the silence. Fill that void talking. But you have to have someone to talk -to-. You always need that girlfriend's ear you can blab off about nothing and everything! Well, now I have to wait until the fireside is over so I can finish talking to my cousin, and Trisha had to
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Living is a thrilling thing. I'm living right now-- breathing it all in and out. Life is so busy; I rarely get vacant moments anymore, but that's all right, because I like it that way. I like having things to do (though some things I definitely prefer over others
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1. So, life is going well. It's still busy. I need to find a peasant costume, learn Beauty and the Beast stuff, and apply for college by the end of this month, which is already almost halfway gone. Poo. Where does time go, anyway
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