Nov 29, 2007 17:00
Three things that scare me:
Unexpected deaths, earwigs, Becky Bentley
Three people who make me laugh:
Charlie, Stettsen, Taylor
Three things I love:
my family, the gospel, the english language
Three things I hate:
Trix commercials, Christmas music before Thanksgiving, the degenerating grammar of our generation
Three things I don't understand:
Acrylic paints, football, malicious girls
Three things on my desk:
Crime and Punishment Essay Question, Trisha's thumb drive, a giant magnifying glass
Three things I'm doing right now:
Thinking of motifs that support the theme in my Crime and Punishment essay, smelling the upcoming dinner, shivering
Three things I want to do before I die:
Get married in the temple, have children, write books
Three things I can do:
Write, bag, love people
Three things you should listen to:
All American Rejects, your mother, the spirit
Three things you should never listen to:
Degrading language, middle school choirs, Satan
Three things I'd like to learn:
How to manage my time, how to do cool stuff with calculus, linguistics
Three favourite foods:
chili verde, avocados, cactus fruit
Three beverages I drink regularly:
water, apple juice, milk
Three TV shows/books I watched/read as a kid:
Power Rangers, Pokemon, Samurai Pizza Cats
Three bloggers to tag:
You and you and you!