Nov 28, 2009 12:53

Who: Hidan & Kazama : open to any other Yakuza fags
Where: The yakuza HQs
When: About a few days when Kazama came back, evening
Summary: Kazama came back, Hidan greets him with PUNCH TO THE FACE
Rating: R
Other: Oh yes...there will be blood.

dlkfjklfj )

kazama souji, hidan

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sagittariinae November 28 2009, 02:26:09 UTC
Hidan hadn't received any word from Hibari, but Kazama certainly had. And to be honest, he was a little bit surprised that Hibari was willing to accept him back into the yakuza with so few questions asked. Not that it was a bad thing. The various organization he'd drifted between had all crumbled away so quickly, that it was comforting to know that there was at least some sort of stable presence in his life ( ... )


holyish November 29 2009, 04:53:14 UTC
Alright, alright. Hidan had to fucking admit it. This was awkward as fuck, seriously. Was this like -- like a fucking spar or something? Because it was probably the first time they actually agreed to fight where one wasn’t instantly ripping at the other’s throat spontaneously. But whatever, Hidan thought. And he gave a shrug back, twisting his lips into a frown with shoulders tense and hands in the pockets of his hoodie.

"Like I fucking give a shit. But because you’re such a picky bastard we’ll just do it in the basement. Not like those freaks -- " Rolling his head to gesture at the door where the lackeys were rounded up and spat out, " -- Are gonna peek in or whatever the hell you’re afraid of." And after that, it was simple enough for Hidan to just walk in the direction of said basement. In fact, the last time he was there was when he was slamming Deidara’s face against a wall and threatening to pop it into mush. But shit, this, with Kazama? Weird as shit, seriously.


sagittariinae November 29 2009, 05:07:02 UTC
Was it awkward? Probably. But Kazama was always fairly good at ignoring any such social hesitation. Not to mention, he'd sparred with his lackies plenty of times in the past -- both for his own sake, and for toughening up newcomers and making them useful for field work. And though this was the first time that a fight had been 'declared' as opposed to simply 'started,' Kazama didn't really care too much. A fight was a fight. It would no doubt deteriorate into careless combat soon enough.

Pausing only to cast off his jacket and hand it to one of the few lackies left around -- one of his own men who seemed to still recognize him -- Kazama followed with hands shoved in his pockets, answering blankly, "I'd rather not have any collateral damage." No doubt those words would be enough to keep any of the lackies from trying to catch a good glimpse of this 'reunion fight.' Combat boots thumping on each concrete step, Kazama followed Hidan with little hesitation.


holyish November 29 2009, 05:39:46 UTC
It pissed him off a bit, yeah. How Kazama was just so fucking retarded that he could just ignore everything. How the fuck could he stay so calm all the freaking time? Well whatever, it wasn’t like Hidan was going to go back on his word of ripping Kazama a new one. His hand enclosed around the doorknob and he gave the heavy door a heave as it opened. Your typical cemented decorated basement with dried blood still on the ground from the last time he had fought Deidara, but that nostalgia only dissolved into a small tch as he removed his hoodie and tossed it aside.

" -- Yeah right asshole. You think I’m gonna let you get off that easy?" Hidan taunted before he cracked his knuckles as well as the joints in his neck, the redness on his upper lip not dried and annoyingly sticky, but like he gave a shit like that. Because as fingers flexed, Hidan was already dashing towards Kazama with a grin and a hauled back arm. His own movements weren’t clumsy, but that didn’t mean they were graceful. But as long as Hidan could do what he aimed too -- ( ... )


sagittariinae November 29 2009, 05:47:31 UTC
A small, enclosed space like this with hard surfaces all around was probably one of places with the most potential for destructive combat. Plenty of surface to slam an opponent against, and few to no obstacles to dodge behind. Not that Kazama intended to try any such tricks against Hidan -- they were merely habitual observations made upon entering any arena -- and he knew that fighting with Hidan would be a matter of pure, unhindered brutality. Rolling his shoulder to work out the slight stiffness from disuse, he turned to Hidan and readied himself on combat position, fists clenched and arms raised ( ... )


holyish November 30 2009, 03:14:36 UTC
It was probably a little sick, really. The way that the corners of Hidan’s lips were quirked upwards into a feral vicious smirk, but even so it was pretty content. He fucking loved this sort of shit, giving or receiving, whatever the fuck -- it didn’t matter, all that mattered was the amount of bodily fluids that emerged from orifices and rips and tears that came along with harsh blotches of bruises. And so when he felt the kick impact against his jaw, Hidan tossed his head back and let out a rather painful -- almost sensual -- groan. But that was nothing out of the ordinary ( ... )


sagittariinae November 30 2009, 03:33:37 UTC
This fight was ultimately pointless. This, Kazama was sure of -- there was no real gain of any sort to be had from winning (or at least emerging undamaged from) this fight. But maybe it would at least placate Hidan for the moment, was what Kazama hoped. Logically, perhaps it would have been most effective for him to simply take the blows that Hidan dealt -- after all, healing wouldn't be much of a problem at all ( ... )


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