Nov 28, 2009 12:53

Who: Hidan & Kazama : open to any other Yakuza fags
Where: The yakuza HQs
When: About a few days when Kazama came back, evening
Summary: Kazama came back, Hidan greets him with PUNCH TO THE FACE
Rating: R
Other: Oh yes...there will be blood.

dlkfjklfj )

kazama souji, hidan

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Comments 19

sagittariinae November 28 2009, 02:26:09 UTC
Hidan hadn't received any word from Hibari, but Kazama certainly had. And to be honest, he was a little bit surprised that Hibari was willing to accept him back into the yakuza with so few questions asked. Not that it was a bad thing. The various organization he'd drifted between had all crumbled away so quickly, that it was comforting to know that there was at least some sort of stable presence in his life ( ... )


holyish November 28 2009, 03:14:47 UTC
Great, just what Hidan fucking needed. The noise of stupid lackey retarded going off or just being plain dickheads and douchebags. Seriously what a fucking pain in the ass. Hidan could barely hear himself think with what little brain matter he had and he only yelled at them with a hoarse voice, "Shut the fuck up you cocksuckers! I’m trying to do my fucking work!" Work being sitting on his ass as crusted dirt fell on the papers beneath his feet.

Tossing his head back over the chair, he let out a frustrated groan and rubbed his face with irritation. Man, those guys just couldn’t do shit on their own. Why the fuck did they have to make so much fucking noise. It just pissed Hidan off, he had better things to do than to listen to a bunch of morons howling at -- what? A new load of fat cash or new porn? Well whatever it was, Hidan could hear it over his own music.

And fuck. Hidan thought to himself really; that whatever they were making a noise about, it must’ve been something good. So Hidan hoisted himself up on the chair, and just as ( ... )


sagittariinae November 28 2009, 03:26:42 UTC
Maybe he should have expected this. And in some small way, maybe he had. After all, Hidan had never been the type to let anything go without some huge commotion, and the fact that he'd been gone for weeks probably counted as something big enough to cause a fuss over.

It was just that he hadn't expected a reaction of this caliber. The chair suddenly flying his way was abrupt enough, and it hit the ground in pieces when Kazama automatically lashed out in defense -- spikes of shadow extending from his arm in a split-second, almost too fast to see -- shearing it to apart and letting the chunks of plastic and steel ounce off his frame. And his arm was still raised to shield his face from any damage when Hidan was suddenly snarling in his face the next moment.

If he were an optimistic person, he almost could have said that he missed this sort of commotion. Almost. But he wasn't, so he couldn't -- and all he could really do was crane his head away from Hidan's snarling visage, his expression blank. The lackies milled about behind them, ( ... )


holyish November 28 2009, 04:05:01 UTC
Maybe if Kazama wasn’t a fucking idiot then this wouldn’t have happened! But no. the asshole just had to go missing with no reason whatsoever which left Hidan with double the men and useless hours spent trying to find him. Which was so totally not of his own free-will. Yeah man, Kazama was completely in the wrong here.

And when the lackeys decided that there was a fight going on that was worth watching. Well, Hidan wasn’t really going to let them down. Because he had been waiting for this shithead to come back, if only so Hidan could rip him to pieces and dump his ugly-ass face on the walls. He listened though, well really he listened to Kazama’s first words but after that Hidan just sneered with a feral viciousness with that smug shit-eating grin all over his face ( ... )


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