Nov 28, 2009 12:53

Who: Hidan & Kazama : open to any other Yakuza fags
Where: The yakuza HQs
When: About a few days when Kazama came back, evening
Summary: Kazama came back, Hidan greets him with PUNCH TO THE FACE
Rating: R
Other: Oh yes...there will be blood.

dlkfjklfj )

kazama souji, hidan

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sagittariinae November 28 2009, 03:26:42 UTC
Maybe he should have expected this. And in some small way, maybe he had. After all, Hidan had never been the type to let anything go without some huge commotion, and the fact that he'd been gone for weeks probably counted as something big enough to cause a fuss over.

It was just that he hadn't expected a reaction of this caliber. The chair suddenly flying his way was abrupt enough, and it hit the ground in pieces when Kazama automatically lashed out in defense -- spikes of shadow extending from his arm in a split-second, almost too fast to see -- shearing it to apart and letting the chunks of plastic and steel ounce off his frame. And his arm was still raised to shield his face from any damage when Hidan was suddenly snarling in his face the next moment.

If he were an optimistic person, he almost could have said that he missed this sort of commotion. Almost. But he wasn't, so he couldn't -- and all he could really do was crane his head away from Hidan's snarling visage, his expression blank. The lackies milled about behind them, murmuring something about 'it's really been a while since they've fought, huh,' and Kazama gave a small sigh.

"Hibari-san told me to return." He didn't really bother to try and wrestle himself out of Hidan's grasp -- there probably wouldn't be much point to it -- and his voice was flat as he spoke, his expression as emotionless as always. "I'm merely following orders." The faintest traces of a wry smile painted his features, though. (This felt so familiar. This situation.)


holyish November 28 2009, 04:05:01 UTC
Maybe if Kazama wasn’t a fucking idiot then this wouldn’t have happened! But no. the asshole just had to go missing with no reason whatsoever which left Hidan with double the men and useless hours spent trying to find him. Which was so totally not of his own free-will. Yeah man, Kazama was completely in the wrong here.

And when the lackeys decided that there was a fight going on that was worth watching. Well, Hidan wasn’t really going to let them down. Because he had been waiting for this shithead to come back, if only so Hidan could rip him to pieces and dump his ugly-ass face on the walls. He listened though, well really he listened to Kazama’s first words but after that Hidan just sneered with a feral viciousness with that smug shit-eating grin all over his face.

"So the fucking boss asked you to come back. And like a little shit-eater you are you just decide to lick the boss’s ass!?" He spat as the grip around the shirt tightened and drew the other closer, just before Hidan released the material and entangled his fist in Kazama’s hair, bringing the other’s skull down to his jerked up knee until the other’s nose met his kneecap.

The men crowed around them, and yeah, of course this was to be expected, and Hidan wasn’t going to stop anytime soon. But he let that delicious warm feeling of impact linger a little longer before hissing, " -- Dude, that is so fucking pathetic, seriously."


sagittariinae November 28 2009, 04:26:03 UTC
There was that rotten smirk. The one that was so familiar. The one that always came right before Hidan lost control and started acting like an animal with no restraint. So already, Kazama was steeling himself, paying little attention to the mocking words. Hidan seemed intent on riling him up, but he was never one to loose his temper, much.

Though -- as easy as it was to ignore words, it was harder to remain still when he felt fingers entwine through his hair. He had hardly a moment to respond before he was suddenly breathing blood. Forced down to one knee, he coughed for a moment, the familiar copper scent flooding his sense as he shook his head to clear his thoughts. (This really was familiar, if nothing else.)

The lackies were already busy shouting amongst themselves, some betting on who would win this fight, some shouting taunts and challenges to the opposite 'team' -- and Kazama ignore them all. Reaching up with one hand, he only grasped at a handful of Hidan's shirtfront while he spoke. "You talk too much, as usual."

His movements were quick, despite the blood splattered across his face, when he jerked his hand down at the same time he lashed out with a leg. Catching Hidan in something vaguely resembling a judo sweep, he slammed Hidan's onto the ground, grabbing at the side of Hidan's head and grinding a temple into the ground. His expression was still blank and emotionless as he deadpanned, "This is pointless."


holyish November 28 2009, 04:44:53 UTC
Shit, Hidan just couldn’t keep himself laughing. A disgusting noise that was borderline hysteric that bubbled at the base of his throat. He felt the crimson seep into the material of his pants from the injury. And fuck, there were no words that could explain just how fucking good this was. It was like the complete build-up of anticipation for over two months was let loose into a tremendous dose of intoxication.

Fuck those lackeys though. Hidan didn’t pay attention to their numerous chanting and rioting among themselves, this was almost too good. Even if it was only something as much as snapping the bastard’s cartilage into two. But when he was too deep in his thoughts, Hidan found himself topping over and hitting the ground with a loud vibrating thump -- but even that didn’t stop his choked laughter.

The hand that was on his temple made the blood in his veins quicken like adrenalin, and Hidan could only round up the faintly pink saliva in his mouth before spitting it in Kazama’s face with a fierce maniacal tone to follow. "Think I give a fuck if it’s pointless you sack of shit?"

And in the next moment, Hidan twisted his body so that arms coiled around Kazama’s waist in a half-tackle -- twisting his hand so he could brutally dig his teeth into the flesh between thumb and forefinger -- before he switched positions, and in no time Hidan was straddling Kazama with bloodied teeth and skin changing into a dark obsidian. His arm was hauled back and he spoke in a low dark deep hiss as he slammed his fist against the other’s jaw. "You have no idea how fucking much I missed this."


sagittariinae November 28 2009, 05:01:26 UTC
With the blood clogging his nose, Kazama was forced to breath in sharp pants, sucking in the air through torn lips -- and he recoiled for a moment when the mixture of blood and saliva splattered across his face. A typically cheap and dirty move for Hidan to use. And his free hand rose to swipe the sleeve across his face, wiping the mess away --

And that split second of distraction seemed to have been enough. The sharp pain that flickered through his hand made his expression darken for a moment, and he attempted to tighten his grip. All he managed was slamming Hidan's head on the ground once more before he was being thrown down. The tackle slammed the breath out of his lungs and he buckled for a moment, coughing -- grimacing as he was pinned down to the ground.

The punch struck him sharply across the jaw, snapping his head back against the ground and tearing the inside of his mouth again his teeth -- and he couldn't help but freeze for a moment, coughing, blood splattering from his mouth. It had been a while since he'd felt pain. -- but the again, he'd been through this fight with Hidan too many times to find it surprising. Wrenching his hand free, he struck upwards, aiming a flat-handed blow at the underside of Hidan's jaw and snapping his skull sharply back.

And that brief moment was all he needed to throw Hidan's weight off of him. Rolling back and staggering to his feet, he grimaced, swallowing a mouthful of blood as he straightened up, swiping the back of his sleeve across his mouth.


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holyish November 28 2009, 05:59:32 UTC
The blood spilling from Kazama’s nose and mouth was enough to let Hidan give out a arrogant snort. His knuckles were brushed lightly with the blood that formerly seeped from the other’s nose. And yeah, it was pretty fucking low for Hidan, to be spitting and biting, but what’s gotta be done has gotta be done. And he wasn’t going to let Kazama slip away this so fucking easily, even if it meant he would be using petty tactics that involved having his skin turning into that deep black.

But Hidan had let out a pained groan as he felt his head toss back painfully ( -- Did that bastard just snap one of the bones in Hidan’s neck? -- ) with molars cracking against once another that one of his teeth toppled to the front of his tongue, and with that he just simply spat it out at the feet of one of the roaring lackeys. His arm was already hauled back to deliver another blow to Kazama, but when he found his back on the floor, he let out a low oof noise before scurrying to get himself up.

And seriously, he wasn’t finished yet. So with another coiling of his fist around Kazama’s shirtfront, he pulled his arm back. But no, no the boss just had to save his ass and Hidan just let out a low annoyed tch sound before he shoved Kazama against the wall with a brutal push and spat out, "What the fuck man! Look, boss, it was this asshole’s fault. You know he went fucking missing for god-knows-how-long and now he just comes back and you do shit all!?"


sagittariinae November 28 2009, 06:10:31 UTC
Even during a fight, Kazama wasn't the type to lose track of his surroundings. And so, the moment that Hibari appeared at the entrance to Hidan's office, Kazama abandoned the meaningless fight at hand to straighten up and stand at attention. -- Or at least, he would have, if Hidan wasn't forcing him to double over half-way with his shirt awfully close to tearing apart. Coughing to clear his throat, he tore Hidan's hand away from his shirtfront, hissing low.

The moment that Hidan let go, though, he immediately straightened up -- hastily brushing the blood off his face with a swipe of his sleeve (his poor, abused jacket was already splotched dark) and shooting Hidan a brief glare before giving Hibari a respectful nod. His mouth and nose were still bleeding, but that could be tended to later."I apologize for the delay. Something demanded my attention before I could report in." Though his words were flat, there was still the faint trace of deadpan sarcasm underlining one of his words.


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holyish November 29 2009, 03:26:03 UTC
With the momentum of Kazama shoving him back, Hidan stumbled a few steps until his shoulder met Hibari’s. And well, he opened his mouth, which was a stupid thing because the next moment he found Hibari’s hand clasp through his hair (This shit hasn’t happened to him before! Sure, a knock to the jaw with the retarded sticks was usually but this -- man, it just seemed pretty fucking gay) and the sensation Hidan felt was the cartilage of his nose caving into his skull, blood gushing from the orifices and he choked back a muffled groan before being shoved away. And yeah, yeah it felt pretty good. Good enough for Hidan to let his tongue slide along his upper lip before spitting the glob of saliva-blood on the floor.

Hidan ignored their words and only lifted a sleeve to wipe off the excess blood before he snorted back the rest of the dripping crimson. His features twitched with irritation and the albino growled lowly, "What -- that’s fucking it!? You can’t let him do that shit!" Moments later he was standing beside Hibari and the crude words kept flowing, "Come on boss! Let me pound this stupid asshole to the ground to show him that he can’t leave without some sort of -- fuck! -- I don’t know! Punishment or whatever, seriously man is he like your favourite huh? Man, bunch of faggots."


sagittariinae November 29 2009, 03:41:01 UTC
Watching Hibari smash Hidan's nose in was simultaneously satisfying and frustrating. Both subtle emotions, of course, but still there. Satisfying in that Hidan was only getting what he deserved -- but frustrating in that this very-physical-reminder seemed to have pretty much no effect. And Kazama listened to Hidan's self-righteous raging with narrowed eyes, his brows furrowed -- Hidan was still too loud. The lackies around them were still milling about restless at this commotion, and all this noise really wasn't helping him feel at east.

"Boss." His voice was flat and quiet, but firm enough to deliver over the bustle of the surrounding crowd. The bleeding from his nose and mouth had already pretty much stopped -- thanks to his powers, the ones he'd never really had the chance nor desire to alert Hibari to -- and he knew better than to expect Hidan to settle down on his own. "I will report at whatever time is convenient for you, but I think that it may be useless to try and stop him from attacking me at this point in time. Perhaps it would better to let him get it out of his system." He sounded painfully matter-of-fact about this. A pause. His voice was dry as he went on. "Maybe it would be good warm-up for later."


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holyish November 29 2009, 04:27:18 UTC
As if something like a fucking elbow was going to keep the albino snarling in his boss’s ear, "And unlike you, boss, I don’t go kidnapping my co-worker’s brothers and threaten to fucking kill them before you couldn’t get your fat load of fucking cash when this bastard has done nothing and just sat on his ass!? Jeez, well ain’t I just so fucking sorry for not sucking your cock like that piece of shit there!" And oh-so dramatically Hidan pointed at Kazama, hate bubbled in his veins only to finish his snarling with a low hiss and his knuckles broken as he punched a hole through the wall.

His eyes swiveled to watch the men basically shit themselves as Hibari started to ‘bite’ them to death like some walking breathing pac-man only to sneer at himself, glaring at Kazama with a hateful glare. "Alright you cocksucker, you fucking asked for it. You better not fucking pussy out now. So, where do you wanna do it huh?" Tensely, Hidan folded his arms against his chest and let out a arrogant snort, "As if you could do shit to me."


sagittariinae November 29 2009, 04:34:12 UTC
Hidan's constant raging and ranting only made Kazama close his eyes for a moment, brow furrowed at just how loud the other was. After two months of silent isolation, it really wasn't something he was feeling comfortable with -- and certainly not something that he had been looking forward to. Still, he stood in place and watched blankly as Hidan snarled on, staring down the finger pointed in his direction and only giving a small sight.

And when Hibari brushed past him and out the door, he only stepped out of the way with a small nod before turning back to Hidan with his usual blank stare. "I don't care as long as it's isolated." Outside, he could hear the lackies shouting and scrambling to escape the boss' wratch, and Kazama absently wondered if any of the men most obedient to him had left the organization while he was gone. He'd have to confirm that later. Raising an eyebrow a fraction at that last comment, he gave some small imitation of a shrug. "I see no need to back out of something like this."


holyish November 29 2009, 04:53:14 UTC
Alright, alright. Hidan had to fucking admit it. This was awkward as fuck, seriously. Was this like -- like a fucking spar or something? Because it was probably the first time they actually agreed to fight where one wasn’t instantly ripping at the other’s throat spontaneously. But whatever, Hidan thought. And he gave a shrug back, twisting his lips into a frown with shoulders tense and hands in the pockets of his hoodie.

"Like I fucking give a shit. But because you’re such a picky bastard we’ll just do it in the basement. Not like those freaks -- " Rolling his head to gesture at the door where the lackeys were rounded up and spat out, " -- Are gonna peek in or whatever the hell you’re afraid of." And after that, it was simple enough for Hidan to just walk in the direction of said basement. In fact, the last time he was there was when he was slamming Deidara’s face against a wall and threatening to pop it into mush. But shit, this, with Kazama? Weird as shit, seriously.


sagittariinae November 29 2009, 05:07:02 UTC
Was it awkward? Probably. But Kazama was always fairly good at ignoring any such social hesitation. Not to mention, he'd sparred with his lackies plenty of times in the past -- both for his own sake, and for toughening up newcomers and making them useful for field work. And though this was the first time that a fight had been 'declared' as opposed to simply 'started,' Kazama didn't really care too much. A fight was a fight. It would no doubt deteriorate into careless combat soon enough.

Pausing only to cast off his jacket and hand it to one of the few lackies left around -- one of his own men who seemed to still recognize him -- Kazama followed with hands shoved in his pockets, answering blankly, "I'd rather not have any collateral damage." No doubt those words would be enough to keep any of the lackies from trying to catch a good glimpse of this 'reunion fight.' Combat boots thumping on each concrete step, Kazama followed Hidan with little hesitation.


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