Mar 16, 2009 22:32

Who: Yosuke Hanamura and Shikamaru Nara.
Where: Hospital room.
When: Afternoon.
Summary: Visiting an old friend.
Rating: PG-13.
Other: Gay.

His hospital slippers overlapped one another as he stood outside the room. A brief glance to the officers who did not seem particularly patient about his hesitation, or maybe that was his own belief. Yosuke had apologized to his senpai and Nill, but had yet to do the same to Shika. It seemed wrong to leave his best friend for last, and yet he did. Letting out a sigh, he finally reached to open the door. He couldn't just run away. Hadn't he told Kazama and everyone that he wasn't going to do that anymore? That he was going to be a stronger person?

And, it was nice that Vargret would let him see Shika in the first place. Wasn't like he could keep asking for these favors. Even though he had not asked for the favor of being able to call people, it still meant a lot to him. His mind raced to anything else as he pulled the door open and stepped in. Probably should have called my parents to see if they were overly pissed to hear about what happened or not. Were they still on their business trip? Was Kiku okay? Is there anyone I could call to make sure that my family was all right?

Another sigh.

He was just running away, again. Trying to push all his anxiety onto another problem so that he wouldn't have to be so scared about meeting with his friend. His hand went to scratch the back of his neck, suddenly embarrassed.

Yosuke made sure that the door was cracked halfway as he promised - made sense as he knew that they couldn't let the person who put Shika in this situation in the first place to be completely alone with him. Sure, there were guards outside, but what could he do while they were busy opening the door and rushing in. Apparently, people thought a lot. He didn't want to think about that. Also didn't realize that his gaze was relatively fixed on the floor and not noticing if his friend - ah, were they still friends - had noticed his entrance or not.

Yeah, like it was really ignorable. Slowing raising his head, he greeted him sheepishly. Guilt obvious on his face. "Hey, Shika."

shikamaru nara, yosuke hanamura

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