[thread; closed]

Mar 14, 2009 19:02

Who: Nataku and Alucard.
Where: Basement of the Liebert Manor.
When: After midnight.
Summary: Finding reasons to need drugs.
Rating: It's Alucard. :|
Other: Oh god, why?

The note in his hand commanded that he go to the basement at a specific time. He stared at it in the same bland confusion as he had before when he first received it. What a confusing note. The reason that medication had to be used when one was not injured or sick. For what purpose did it - they - have if it was not healing an individual? His head tilted slightly as he could not think of one. That was probably why he was doing as he was told - or what he had read. He saw no reason why he should deny his sister anything. Except his complete love. That was reserved purely for Johan.

He had remembered that he had killed her. Only she did not stay dead. His gaze shifted away from the note to stare down the hallway. Did he want it so that she would not return if he killed her? Because she had said that Johan liked her best out of everyone. Gaze went back to the note as he was unsure if he was still all right with those thoughts, with that belief. His free hand went to rub his synthetic eye, somehow needing to remember that if he was not cared for, there would be no reason to fix him.

Hand dropped down to his side. That was enough of a reason to be able to not be upset. He tilted his head slightly, suddenly enough to hear a slight noise from his neck. "Am I upset?" The question was asked aloud as he was not sure if he was or not. It seemed like the generic feelings a person had when they were troubled by something. More thought would have to be put into it, but he would let it go for now, as he waited for his little sister's appearance - head still tilted to the side.

nataku, alucard

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