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Comments 14

octopusgirl August 11 2011, 02:25:40 UTC
Can I just say I love that Fassbender gif ( ... )


octopusgirl August 11 2011, 02:37:04 UTC
Sorry, that was long and incoherent.



nemesisofamor August 11 2011, 03:03:23 UTC
Haha, don't we all!


nemesisofamor August 11 2011, 03:03:10 UTC
Haha, really? Sam? I'm always surprised he still has storylines, since I always found him boring. Plus, I don't have the patience to see someone forgive Tommy, I find all Mickens extremely gross and Maryanne didn't have any thrill for me whatsoever. He was wrong with tara, Daphne was the most useless character ever and I don't like the shapeshifters, so... I like him when he's working at Marlotte's? Sometimes?


Eric is very emooootional and soooo sweet and harmless and honey and rainbow sprinkles. wingsinthewater August 11 2011, 03:47:44 UTC
You inspired me!

... )


Re: Eric is very emooootional and soooo sweet and harmless and honey and rainbow sprinkles. nemesisofamor August 11 2011, 12:56:53 UTC
Haha, I love you!


dandypoet August 11 2011, 20:20:38 UTC
Then keeng Beel comes by with a pretty sparkly necklace, so Eric will dump Sookie and love him again. It doesn't go well.

I think you're my favorite.

Eric needs to regain his memory, like, now. I'd like to be able to take him somewhat seriously as a character again. :C


nemesisofamor August 11 2011, 20:40:46 UTC
Haha, right? It's the same as it was in the books, Eric becomes this cheesy non-character-wishfulfillment. Which is a shame, because I usually enjoy him so much.


dandypoet August 11 2011, 21:04:22 UTC
Ugh! Yeah, I'm super new to the fandom, and I've been reading people's reactions to this whole new Eric/thing with Sookie, and I'm like, what the fuck? People are lapping that shit up. Eric was the most interesting/compelling/complex/best character on the show and often the only one worth paying attention to amidst the shit show that is the writing. And now... ugh. So Mary Sue-ish, so bad. Herp derp.


nemesisofamor August 11 2011, 23:38:47 UTC
He's not my absolute favourite, but I liked him better before. I like the rest of the show, though, just not Sookie's relationships when they're in their happy place in which the vampires are little kitten without claws.


shiegra August 17 2011, 20:42:54 UTC
Well...to be fair...Sookie says he did it to save Godric? And then she says 'and me' which is equally fair since in the original episode he himself explicitly included her in the self-sacrificial statement.

I really have one pressing question this season. WHY IS TOMMY STILL HERE? At this point he's a decidedly one-note character.


nemesisofamor August 17 2011, 21:31:03 UTC
Haha, Tommy is there so other actors can play his part every episode. It would be fun without the self-pity-ooooh-poor-tommy scenes.


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