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octopusgirl August 11 2011, 02:25:40 UTC
Can I just say I love that Fassbender gif?

Is it odd/wrong that I'm preferring the non-vampiric towns folks' plots more than the vampihres this season?

It's all just... like everyone finally took the same idiot pills that Beel and Sookeh were taking in seasons 1-3.

I don't blame Pam's freaking out though. Much like Tara, she's been through a lot of shit. Losing Eric, losing face, being imprisoned, being hungry, decaying from the inside out, and freaking witches man. Much like Tara, she is taking it out on the wrong people (see, Tara).

I actually find myself enjoying the regular towns folks plots rather than the Vampire-Antonia-Clusterfuck-Plus-Sookie right now. Terry and Arlene camping out at the Bellefleurs? Alright. Andy being a dick? Well, that's nothing new. Hell, more character development for Holly is welcomed.

It's weird that I'm liking Sam's story the most this season. I usually find him/his family/his Dionysus-worshipping Mrs. Robinson to be malignant plot tumors. Mind you, it could just be Luna's super-cute kid.

(Yeah, it's probably that.)

Bitches love Barbie dolls.


octopusgirl August 11 2011, 02:37:04 UTC
Sorry, that was long and incoherent.



nemesisofamor August 11 2011, 03:03:23 UTC
Haha, don't we all!


nemesisofamor August 11 2011, 03:03:10 UTC
Haha, really? Sam? I'm always surprised he still has storylines, since I always found him boring. Plus, I don't have the patience to see someone forgive Tommy, I find all Mickens extremely gross and Maryanne didn't have any thrill for me whatsoever. He was wrong with tara, Daphne was the most useless character ever and I don't like the shapeshifters, so... I like him when he's working at Marlotte's? Sometimes?


octopusgirl August 11 2011, 08:19:21 UTC
That's how I feel about Sam too, which is why I'm surprised about liking his storyline better than Pam or Keeng Beel's.

I wonder if the Keeng lectures all his subjects about recycling...

Beel: "Now, I have called you all here to speak of important mattuhs. I think that togethuh we can reduce Louisiana's carbon footprint. As those who live longest it is our responsibility to make sure the plant is fit for future generations... and ourselves."


nemesisofamor August 11 2011, 12:56:22 UTC
OMG that would be the most awesome thing ever! Also, lets face it, rednecks are pigs, they could use some advice on carbon footprints!


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