TOPIC 2: My mind is expensive to maintain.

Oct 05, 2019 10:19

Twice a month I go to the neuropsychiatrist, and it doesn't feel like too much changes. Maybe one adjustment a visit, that's not much, is it? Mainly a lot of questions get asked, a lot of notes get taken. It feels more like a check-in to make sure I'm not nearing a total breakdown than it is any kind of desperate attempt to normalize things. I ( Read more... )

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Comments 27

uselesstinrelic October 9 2019, 05:20:26 UTC
I heard the eagle screech echoing in the distance as your piece concluded. I loved it.


rayaso October 9 2019, 15:19:50 UTC
This was so well written! I am sorry for your condition and I wish your treatment were going better (and costing less). It is appalling the you have to pay so much for it. You are a perfect example for what is wrong about the U.S. health system.


d0gs October 10 2019, 16:25:28 UTC
I'm sorry about the situation with your insurance D: the health system is so messed up *hugs*

that image made me laugh so much though!


brienneofsnark October 10 2019, 20:31:01 UTC
The health care system is such an abomination and it hurts so many people. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this and I do hope you find some solutions. Soon.


adoptedwriter October 11 2019, 00:15:13 UTC
Hugs...Health care is such a challenge.


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