TOPIC 2: My mind is expensive to maintain.

Oct 05, 2019 10:19

Twice a month I go to the neuropsychiatrist, and it doesn't feel like too much changes. Maybe one adjustment a visit, that's not much, is it? Mainly a lot of questions get asked, a lot of notes get taken. It feels more like a check-in to make sure I'm not nearing a total breakdown than it is any kind of desperate attempt to normalize things. I ( Read more... )

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Comments 27

sweeny_todd October 7 2019, 03:34:51 UTC
Jeepers. Every single thing here is stressful.


negativecon October 8 2019, 17:54:18 UTC
Haha well, I guess I'm used to stress? Truth of it is, it's mostly the morals of it that bother me more than the actions. The idea that healthcare should be something argued over and bought rather than just provided gets to me far more than having my medications tweaked all the time.


pixiebelle October 7 2019, 07:39:11 UTC
God, I hate how ridiculously expensive medical care is in this country. I’m currently dealing with this too, but for my niece instead of myself (well myself too).

I really hope something changes in this country.


negativecon October 8 2019, 17:55:15 UTC
I hope something changes, too. People are literally dying because of the capitalistic approach to healthcare, and how anyone can think that's okay or right is just...beyond my comprehension.

Good luck to both you and your niece.


wild_muskrat October 7 2019, 13:57:12 UTC
The evil is that the stress of dealing with the financial impacts just adds more to the existing problem. We see it less in Canada in terms of the drugs but finding and getting access to the people who could prescribe them (and provide the supporting therapy) is a different matter altogether.


negativecon October 8 2019, 17:57:51 UTC
Yes, access to providers can be such a nightmare, as well! I was shot down by nearly a dozen therapists before finding one who'd work with me (and took my insurance), because they all said they couldn't handle someone with a schizo-spectrum disorder. And none of them could provide me referrals to anyone who could, so it was just endless phone calls, which trigger my anxiety, so it took two weeks for me to complete the search.


elderwoodpixie October 7 2019, 15:33:41 UTC
Though sometimes I wonder if it'd be smarter to spend the cash on my own Airheads and just start repressing stuff again. It seems less taxing.

I absolutely get this! First, as a person with BD1, Anxiety, and ADHD, I think I'm on almost as many meds (2 antidepressants, a mood stabilizer, and an anti-psychotic with an anti-anxiety on hand for backup). My psychiatrist barely does anything more than adjust and refill prescriptions.

I feel you on the cost of meds, too. Not only psychiatric medications, either. My son's reflux medication and inhalers are even worse!

I love your sarcastic humour. I'm sure that's a big part of what keeps you going with a decent attitude. We have much in common, I think,


negativecon October 8 2019, 18:10:02 UTC
Oh I feel you on the physical medications, as well. I'm a part-time wheelchair user with multiple physical disabilities, I am unfortunately deep in the same muck with that nonsense. It's always something.

Thank you for your compliment. A sense of humor has indeed proven necessary for me.


roina_arwen October 8 2019, 00:30:18 UTC
Sending hugs and hoping you can continue to get the care and meds you need, without having to sell off body parts!


negativecon October 8 2019, 18:10:35 UTC
Thank you...though I suppose there are a couple (malfunctioning) body parts I'd be willing to sell, haha.


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