TOPIC 2: My mind is expensive to maintain.

Oct 05, 2019 10:19

Twice a month I go to the neuropsychiatrist, and it doesn't feel like too much changes. Maybe one adjustment a visit, that's not much, is it? Mainly a lot of questions get asked, a lot of notes get taken. It feels more like a check-in to make sure I'm not nearing a total breakdown than it is any kind of desperate attempt to normalize things. I ( Read more... )

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Comments 27

karmasoup October 11 2019, 01:57:46 UTC
I can relate to this so much. Having had to see a neuropsychologist, and hating having to evaluate the cost before deciding whether or not we should go to the ER. Last night my husband came home with heart palpitations. He's had a heart attack before, but we waited a half hour trying to make sure it was't just a panic attack, because our insurance doesn't really cover emergency visits. Turned out he has an enlarged aorta. They just made sure his blood pressure came down and then sent him back to watch and wait. Because that's what health care is these days. Whatever you can afford. Cross your fingers and hope you don't die when you can't. >.


halfshellvenus October 11 2019, 22:59:18 UTC
This IS a lot of work, and a lot of money, and I'm sorry.

the ologist for the autism.
I think I would throw that right back into the psychiatrist's lap. Psychological training is required for psychiatrists, and since they're covered, they should handle both.

Hang in there, and I hope your wallet stays strong right along with you.


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