В развитие
предыдущей темы. Точка в этой Мишне (см. текст ниже, после “BUT MANY LAWS.”) - поставлена как в классическом “Казнить нельзя помиловать”; но еще лучше. О нее спотыкаешься, как о камень лежащий посреди дороги, и перечитываешь текст с недоумением. Откуда это здесь?(
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The only moot point can be the precise meaning of "ARE THE ESSENTIALS OF THE TORAH". One might suppose an inaccurate translation but my Hebrew is not up to it.
Scribal errors etc. are irrelevant here - so they are relevant to all written traditions but irrelevant to ours. This leaves us without commonsensical grounds.
healthy dose of ignorance and humility can be assumed in our discussions - which assumption is belied by this very discussion. Without a proper knowledge of what the Talmud is we are reduced to arguing on what it should be. (In other words, reduced to fencing, if you excuse this pun.) I therefore suspend discussing this Mishna/Gemara until I a obtain some external scholarly help.
Well, as opposed to what? ;)
so they are relevant to all written traditions but irrelevant to ours
I've already outlined the differences here. Parallel processing can reliably eliminate random noise.
until I a obtain some external scholarly help
Surely, extra knowledge would help. But, - in both of these posts I'm addressing pshat construction. If you end up having to rely on drash commentary to form even basic grammatical understanding of what is being said, then it defeats the purpose: you effectively deny that pshat is readable. My reading, and your 1st alternative still stand.
We can continue fencing using weapons of your choice and time of your convenience. :)
as opposed to what? to seeing an unsolved textual problem.
Oк, будем ждать Вашу ученую кавалерию. :)
1. Все законы Торы равны, Мишна не права/искажена, гемара ее поправляет.
2. Какие-то законы важнее, и это третья группа.
3. Какие-то законы важнее, и это не третья группа (т.з. поста).
Традиционная т.з. близка к Вашей, если Вам нужна кавалерия. :) Собственно, в этом-то и проблема. ;))
Вторая позиция несколько аргументирована, напр. Jaffee, Torah in the Mouth, p.86, fn.8 p.190. У него есть дальнейшие ссылки.
Возможно, переход от первой позиции ко второй (как промежуточный шаг) проще, чем сразу к третьей.
"for a doubt in Hilchos Ohalos, he should look in the Mishnah, and for a doubt in Hilchos Nega'im, he should look in the Torah".
So, would you be willing to accept this thesis as a shared working hypothesis, as a move forward? :)
1. Would you say that this is how it's done nowadays? Does Tradition actually keep following this fact/guidance?
2. Where does the authority of Mishna seemingly independent from the Scripture comes from?
3. Notice that your own phrasing that I cited just above is consistent with Soncino, and Ok; but daf-yomi makes an important (and improper) typical pseudo-synonymic substitution.
4. Does the Mishna as written equates these two (re: 2-3 here)?
5. R. Papa said: It means as follows: Leprosy-signs have considerable Scriptural basis and few laws, tent-covering has scant Scriptural basis and many laws.
Based on this phrase, and Mishna, to which groups of laws (1-3) in the Mishna you'd allocate respectfully leprosy-signs and tent-covering?
One spoon of sugar little fact goes a long, long way. :) That's just for starters.
Not quite. I mostly agree, that it is misguided as a normative stand, but it was (unfortunately) accurate as a positive description: it was not so in Temple Judaism, hence the priestly elite which eventually degenerated into the Sadducees. And it was not so for the next 2kyrs.
intended ambiguity, such as to spook off the amhaarets
Let me try this again.
Ambiguity - By now I'm sure it is there, generally ubiquitous, and in this section as well. The subjective proof being by construction - recovery of meaning. ;))
Intended - Most likely. Gemara is notoriously tortured writing, it is highly unlikely just to be the simplest way they found to express their thoughts, and happen unintentionally. How much does one need to know to understand that coupling pronouns the way they do is inherently ambiguous, as is citing the same phrase with opposite meaning etc. Even worse, Gemara explains Mishna thus reducing ambiguity; this Mishnaic meaning was supposed to be understood by reader directly, ( ... )
As for Scripture, it does employ ambiguities. The scheme seems to be as follows. Suppose sense A is something easily understood to everyone, and sense X (1) is also correct, (2) understood only with additional knowledge, (3) misunderstood if there is no additional knowledge (so if one does not have additional knowledge one is better off without X). Then Scripture may employ a text which straightforwardly means A and also may mean X but in such a way that X is likely to be rejected by the less knowledgeable reader.
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