Две-три Торы

Mar 02, 2011 22:41

1. Our Rabbis taught: A certain heathen once came before Shammai and asked him, 'How many Toroth have you?' 'Two,' he replied: 'the Written Torah and the Oral Torah.' 'I believe you with respect to the Written, but not with respect to the Oral Torah; make me a proselyte on condition that you teach me the Written Torah [only].[But] he scolded and repulsed him in anger.... (Шабат 31а)

2. .... When he went before Hillel, he accepted him as a proselyte. On the first day, he taught him, Alef, beth, gimmel, daleth; the following day he reversed [them] to him. 'But yesterday you did not teach them to me thus,' he protested. 'Must you then not rely upon me? Then rely upon me with respect to the Oral [Torah] too.'  (Шабат 31а)

… Weiss, op. cit. I, p. 1, n. 1. observes that Hillel was the first man to whom the use of the term [H], 'Oral Law' is found ascribed. (Шабат 31а, Прим. Перев.7)

3. All the commandments that were given to Moshe at Sinai were given together with their interpretation, as it is written "and I will give thee the Tables of Stone, and the Law, and the Commandment" .  "Law" is the Written Law; and "Commandment" is its interpretation:  We were commanded to fulfill the Law, according to the Commandment.  And this Commandment is what is called the Oral Law. (Рамбам, Введение к Мишне Тора, 1)

4. God said to Moses, 'Come up to Me, to the mountain, and remain there. I will give you the stone tablets, the Torah and the commandment that I have written for [the people's] instruction. (Шмот 24:12)

5*. The gates, opened by the Creator, which lead to the understanding of (*) His Torah and religion are three: (1) an intellect free of any defect; (2) the book of His Torah, given to Moshe, His prophet; (3) the traditions which we have received from the preceding generations who, in turn, received them from the prophets. (ибн-Пакуда, Chovot ha-Levavot, Пер. Haberman, стр.7)

(также см. ранее

цитата, иудаизм

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