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Comments 40

rayziz July 24 2011, 21:30:24 UTC
he suddenly acted on autopilot, his iron knife drawn in the blink of an eye, and he drove it into the wood of his door frame to the very hilt, his arm trembling with the shock of the recoil.

Agggh my heart broke. How could he do that??
Fernando's being really thick here. Seriously what did he expect to do after the warden saw them?? Hope for the best that he'd develop a memory loss???
Killing him was the only option so shut up and go back to Dan!

Question, and I don't know if it was mentioned before, but is the Agurauk's purpose only to destroy Fernando and friends or is he just another one of its victims?

btw this is not fair. It's waaayyy too short considering how long i've waited.


rayziz July 24 2011, 21:32:19 UTC
Like alwaaaayyys, I love love loveddd reading it. I nagged you enough for it anyway.


narya86 July 24 2011, 21:40:35 UTC
Heh yeah, sorry, I think we said those last few chapters would be shorter and I guess it was obvious that they'd be angstier too.

Well I think Fernando was perfectly aware that there was not much choice. But I think always being this close to death, or to the notion that your life could be over any time, makes you sensitive to ending a life just like that, you know?

Oh no, the Agurauk is just a creature that settled in Madrid and kills people to live, we mentioned somewhere that even though Fernando hadn't seen it for quite some time now that it was still up and about and... eating. It's just, well... Fernando's responsibility.

Anyway, hope that helps, really glad you still approve (and thank you for the nagging). :D


sukha4 July 24 2011, 23:16:37 UTC
Nooooo this is so sad. Ughh what's going to happen to them now? I hope they get back together. The part where Dan just stood there is heartbreaking.
Fix everything plz!


tetila September 1 2011, 16:34:35 UTC
Haha I know we're quite mean to the boys no?

The next chapter will probably be done soon :D

Thanks for the comment!


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narya86 August 15 2011, 13:45:52 UTC
I'm damn glad this whole fucked up LJ thing is over, at least for now.

The iron knife door idea was one of the first we had for this, actually, and we wanted to use it just because it hurts so prettily. ^^

And your question will definitely be answered in the next chapter. :)

Thanks to you for the comment (even if it's been an awefully long time since you wrote it and we didn't manage to answer yet -.-)!


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tetila August 12 2011, 17:50:19 UTC
Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked this chapter :)

Next part is already halfway done :)


elisa88 July 25 2011, 17:13:19 UTC
Oh God, poor Nando, life decided to hit him really hard! It's like they say, when bad things happen they come in pairs... Well, Nando got like 100 bad things at the same time and that just isn't fair =(
And then he goes and does that to Dan, it simply broke my heart


narya86 August 15 2011, 13:47:19 UTC
You're right, he was really hit hard here. Murphy's Law, huh? And, yeah, he just couldn't deal with Dan in that moment. :(


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