[thread]Ease on down the road[Tsurude and open to anyone else]

Jun 18, 2007 10:49

ooc: takes place right after The Zelkova Incident

Tottering down the road, Tsurude made sure that he was far enough away from the brothel and the other shinobi before releasing the jutsu. Turning back to his normal twenty year old visage, Tsurude put a hand on a nearby wall and took in a few deep breaths, collecting himself.

Close, way way too close.

He stretched his arms above his head, feeling the vertebrate crack back into place from their cramped position. He eyed the sun and found it still hung high in the sky. It couldn't be later then three and he was still free of his jail celloffice. He should enjoy the beautiful day, take a tour of the village and see how things were going there.

Most of all, though, he needed to avoid three irate jounin, one possibly panicking assistant as well as a few member of the elder council who would completely overreact to the fact that he had taken an afternoon off. His stomach rumbled once to remind him that half a cup of sake was not lunch.

He paused suddenly in his tracks. The sake... THE SAKE! He had left it behind. He felt a tear forming in his eye and quickly wiped it away. Buck up, man. Sacrifices had to be made. There will be other bottles.

And so he set off, looking for either food or sake and carefully avoiding anyone who might be looking for him.

tsurude, sachiko, june year 17, leigh, naruko

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