[Thread] Not Your Afternoon Tea [Aki, Kureno, Rin, Tsurude]

Jun 12, 2007 12:49

[[OOC: Following immediately after this thread.]]

Kureno knew Rin had told him he needed to take it easy on his mind and body, mainly in giving them proper nutrition and rest. The nutrition part was easy, but not so much the resting. Taking more breaks during work hours was difficult, but so far Kureno felt he’d been doing a good job. He even agreed to step away from his work to grab something out of the breakroom with Aki for a while.

…Which is exactly why he was in the mess he was now.

Kureno pretty sure grabbing a drink in the early afternoon was not what Rin had in mind for him when he was supposed to be “taking it easy”. Then again, Kureno had been pretty sure they wouldn’t actually find a bar open this early in the day, but if anyone could find such places, he supposed Aki or Godaime-sama could, hence why they were currently walking down some stairs into a tavern named Zelkova. (What was with this village and naming all of its bars after trees anyway?)

This was absolutely and completely ridiculous. Sure he enjoyed a good drink, but alcohol could wait its turn after he was done with work. Hokage could understand that at least, couldn’t he? …Then again, if he hadn’t been listening to Kureno’s protesting so far, there was little chance it was going to work again. Still, just so that his party and any cosmic beings of righteous judgment and reason knew, he voiced his personal stance on this once more.

“I can’t believe we’re actually doing this.”

tsurude, rp thread, kureno, aki, june year 17, rin

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