phamos818 posted a link to TerraServer, which gives aerial photos and topographical maps for addresses, places, and two types of coordinates (decimal degrees and DMS). Sorry Brits, it's currently for the United States only
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Re: global mappingnarneeJanuary 24 2005, 20:17:53 UTC
No, because I'm an idiot.
However, even though the main TerraServer site can do some specific places and general city-wide aerial images for international locations, it still says they can't do anything other than US addresses or coodinates.
They say that imagery for 'England, Wales and parts of Scotland' are coming soon.
Re: global mappingnarneeJanuary 28 2005, 04:49:24 UTC
As I mentioned in my previous comment, those are general city-wide images. I can't put in an address (such as for any of the flats I've lived in here) and get a pinpointed aerial view of it and the surrounding area on TerraServer yet, although they said it's forthcoming in the 'coming soon' link I gave.
How odd - I was just thinking this morning about Terra Server. I had seen it years ago, but couldn't remember the site, and wasn't sure if it was still operational. I go to lunch, and VOILA! Ask and I shall receive?!?
Comments 9
Have you also checked instead of just
However, even though the main TerraServer site can do some specific places and general city-wide aerial images for international locations, it still says they can't do anything other than US addresses or coodinates.
They say that imagery for 'England, Wales and parts of Scotland' are coming soon.
Is that more clear?
And you are always interesting! :>
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