Doctor Whoof, pages 9-13. Also character bios.

Jun 17, 2011 15:46

Only four days behind! I'll spare you my whinging about having an absolutely fantastic wedding that I had to go to, and all of the fall out from THAT, and just present the next pages.

It's Rory and Amy! :D They seem to have been separated from the Doctor... Whatever do the companions do?



I also thought that, since we're getting in to the established characters of the show, I should maybe include a quick guide as to who everybody is.

The first pony we see streaking past is Rainbow Dash!

She's a pony who loves competition, the rush of adrenaline and flight. She's actually pulled off the Sonic rain boom, considered by many to be just a myth. Brash, brave, and energetic, she is loyal to her friends to the end. (her entry on the FiM wiki.)

The next speaking part goes to Applejack.

Applejack has a strong work ethic which is *very* easy to see in her running of the family apple farm. She's the country girl with that good ol' fashioned horse sense, steady and dependable. She's very independent, and while she loves helping others, she always wants to finish what she's started by herself.

(Applejack's entry on the FiM wiki.)

Finally, with no speaking part, is Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn who's special talent is magic. She is really, really good at it. She's also a bit of a bossy mc bossboss, wanting to be in charge of what's going on. But that's okay, because she's good at organising everything.

Originally from the big city of Canterlot, Twilight Sparkle's task is to learn all about friendship. I think this is Princess Celestia's way to get her to move out of the college and stop being a student already! While she used to be a bit of a loner (not counting poor Spike, her baby dragon assistant/friend), she is now firm friends with many of the ponies in Ponyville.

She's knowledgeable and persistent, and believes that there is a solution to every problem if you just look hard enough.

(Twilight Sparkle's entry on the FiM wiki.)

Hopefully that helps a bit with people who don't know the Friendship is Magic characters!

ON TO RORY AND AMY, I should have done this at the beginning. P: Sorry. General spoilers for season 5, I guess?

Amelia Pond

Amy is the girl who waited. She met the Doctor when she was a little Scottish girl in an English town, and he promised to take her in his magical box to see distant times and places. He finally showed up many, many years later. Now a grown woman with some firm opinions of her own, she has become the Doctor's best friend. Together, they run through Time and Space being amazed at all of the craziness that they find.

Rory (Pond) Williams

You know what? TWO PICTURES.

And if I could find a good non-spoilery one of Rory in his Roman get up, you'd get that too. :D

Rory is Amy's husband. The boy who had to play dress up with the girl who waited, Rory persevered through Amy's general selfishness because he really loves her. He can see the wonderful person that she is inside, that she is only beginning to realise is there. Rory wound up being awesome at the end of series five, and spent a long time as a Roman protecting Amy.

Rory is also a nurse, and shut up. That's manly.

Rory and the Doctor had a bit of a difficult relationship at first, because Rory didn't like how the Doctor encouraged Amy to do things that were dangerous. Also, Amy had a bit of a crush on the Doctor, which Rory understandably didn't particularly care for. Rory and the Doctor eventually iron out their differences and become friends, though the Doctor always seems to be drawn to Amy first and Rory later. :(

The Eleventh Doctor

The Doctor, himself, is an alien from the planet Gallifrey. When he was but a young lad of say, four hundred or so, he stole his TARDIS, and has been gallivanting across the galaxy ever since.

While there have been many versions of the Doctor, he is always essentially the same man, full of wanderlust and a longing for adventure. Brilliant and charming, he draws people to him. Some travel with him, to become companions. Some end their journeys well, while others end in tragedy.

The Doctor remembers them all.


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