Doctor Whoof, pages 6-8.

Jun 06, 2011 15:56


And about whole Chameleon arch thing... Spoilers for The Almost People and the Rebel Flesh, which I'll put in white text. Highlight to see!

~I know that the whole living flesh thing makes more sense than the Chameleon arch, but I hadn't seen that when I was thinking up excuses for how he got to be a pony, and I also don't want to think on if you can make some sort of living flesh doll that is controlled by another doll that is then controlled by original Amy. I know it *really* doesn't matter, but I did think about it, and didn't want to involve Amy controlling a duplicate who is also controlling a duplicate. Are the controlling impulses analog, and they lose information for every generation you add in?~ And that's all I have to say about that.


Next time, Rory and Amy!!


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