Phineas and Ferb / Addams Family Fic: Real Fireside Girls

Feb 08, 2011 21:13

Title: Real Fireside Girls
Author: nancybrown
Fandoms: Phineas and Ferb / The Addams Family (movieverse)
Characters: Isabella, the Fireside Girls, OC, Wednesday
Rating: G
Summary: Carrie never would earn her "Put on a Perky Smile" patch.
AN: Written for halfamoon. Another request by my daughter.

Isabella took a deep breath. Introducing a new girl to her Fireside Girls troop was always an adventure.

"Everyone! This is Carrie Addams! Let's give her a warm Fireside Girls welcome!"

The girls immediately formed into the traditional Fireside Girls Friendship Pyramid, with Isabella leaping to the top with the Fireside Girls official sparklers. "Hi, Carrie! We're so happy to meet you!" said the girls in unison, which earned them all their "Greeting a New Friend" patch.

Carrie stared. Then she sat down. "Hi," she managed after a moment. She didn't put on a perky smile. Carrie never would earn her "Put on a Perky Smile" patch.

The pyramid broke, and Isabella called the meeting to order. "Before we start on our 'Construct a Full-Size Model of a Working Railroad' patch, why don't we introduce ourselves to Carrie and find out about her?"

Isabella loved this part. Not only did they get to talk about all the neat things they'd done as Fireside Girls, she got to learn something about a new friend. Ginger talked about her "Collecting Unusual Stamps" patch. Gretchen was excited about a new patch she was sending to the Fireside Girls Council called the "Clean ALL The Things" patch. Holly showed off her newly-minted "Junior Astronaut Who Briefly Helped With a Mars Mission" patch. (Adyson was grumpy because she didn't get to go on that trip, and was still working on her "Be a Good Sport" patch.)

"And what are you interested in?" Isabella asked Carrie.


"What're those?"

Carrie told them.

An hour later, the girls who lived nearby walked home. The ones who lived further away took the new railroad. In honor of their new member, one of the train cars was refrigerated and had many interesting samples aboard.

A weird black car pulled up at the curb beside the clubhouse, and a tall woman with the same long, dark hair as Carrie got out. "Charybdis? It's time to go."

"Yes, Mother." Carrie gathered her new sash and her new books.

"Wait!" Isabella said, and pinned a patch on her sash. "That's your new 'Junior CSI' patch. Will we see you at the next meeting?"

Carrie looked at her mother. "Mother, we'll be starting Fireside Girls Cupcake sales next week."

Carrie's mother frowned. Then she leaned in to whisper something into Carrie's ear.

"No," said Carrie. "I don't believe so."

"Pity. The cookies were delicious."

phineas and ferb, addams family

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