Phineas and Ferb / Mythbusters Fic: Busting

Feb 07, 2011 21:55

Title: Busting
Author: nancybrown
Fandoms: Phineas and Ferb / Mythbusters
Characters: Candace, Kari, Grant
Rating: G
Summary: Drabble. They have one thing in common: the desire to bust.
AN: Written for halfamoon. (It's like this. My daughter wanted this one.)

Candace is dancing between one foot and the other, waiting for the results. "And? And?"

Kari sighs. She used to think Adam was hyperactive until she met the teenager in front of her. She glances at her colleagues. "I think we've definitely proven that your brothers physically can't build the kind of structures you claim, use them, and destroy all the evidence in a single day."

Grant chimes in, "Even stretching the day to twenty-four hours."

"They made it thirty-six hours once!"

Kari says, "Sorry, kid. Your mom was right. It's busted."

Candace reaches towards the sky. "Noooooo!"

phineas and ferb, mythbusters

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