Phineas and Ferb / Mythbusters Fic: Busting

Feb 07, 2011 21:55

Title: Busting
Author: nancybrown
Fandoms: Phineas and Ferb / Mythbusters
Characters: Candace, Kari, Grant
Rating: G
Summary: Drabble. They have one thing in common: the desire to bust.
AN: Written for halfamoon. (It's like this. My daughter wanted this one.)
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phineas and ferb, mythbusters

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Comments 8

rosehiptea February 8 2011, 04:32:53 UTC
Hee! That's funny.


nancybrown February 9 2011, 03:16:40 UTC
Thanks! :D


rowan_falar February 8 2011, 05:02:00 UTC
My daughter watched Phineas & Ferb religiously. This was hilarious! I can just imagine Candace disappointed expression. Thanks for the late night giggle!

*goes off to tell dh about the fanfic*


nancybrown February 9 2011, 03:17:27 UTC
*grin* Happy to oblige! My kids love the show and sometimes, we feel bad for Candace,


eldarwannabe February 8 2011, 20:00:18 UTC
I have watched exactly two episodes of Phineas and Ferb with my kid cousins, but you wrote this so I had to read it.

Hahaa! Priceless!


nancybrown February 9 2011, 03:18:22 UTC
Hee! Yay! PaF is a really fun cartoon if you get the chance to check out more eps. :)


eldarwannabe February 11 2011, 02:47:22 UTC
My tiny cousin managed to navigate the Disney media player on the website to choose his own episodes, so there is a decent chance I can figure it out when I've got time!

I really sympathized with Candace once I figured the show out. In one episode they just built a submarine. Poof! There was a sub! To rescue a goldfish.


nancybrown February 12 2011, 04:19:05 UTC
We're in it for Love Handel. Also Vanessa. It's a weakness. :)


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