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Comments 35

lisa_thecat February 19 2008, 08:39:41 UTC
hahaha - nici eu nu am citit interviul - imi era lene sa ma chinui sa traduc. cine stie, poate pur si simplu ii era dor de tineretile lui. de obicei asta e. si mie imi e dor de eclerele din perioada comunista. acum nu mai sunt la fel...

dar Flake e de stanga, intr-adevar. un patron de stanga.


naked_runner February 19 2008, 08:45:13 UTC
Probabil, dar tot mi se pare ipocrizie din partea lui. Nu e neaparat despre el, ci sunt multi care regreta timpurile alea. Si, mai nou, multi care s-au nascut dupa '89 si au impresia ca "ce bine era!".


lisa_thecat February 19 2008, 08:59:10 UTC
Si mie mi se pare ca sa spui ca era mai bine in vremea comunista este o insulta la adresa celor care au suferit in perioada aia. Plus, deformeaza perceptia pentru cei care nu au trait atunci. Dar poate ca in RDG nu a fost asa rau ca la noi. Si poate pentru ca ei si-au incheiat socotelile cu trecutul (vezi faptul ca la ei dosarele Stazi sunt de mult deconspirate) acum isi permit luxul sa fie toleranti cu perioada aia si sa selecteze amintirile placute.


naked_runner February 19 2008, 09:37:34 UTC
Iar cind beneficiezi din plin de partile pozitive ale capitalismului, mi se pare un pic ipocrizie sa vii cu astfel de chestii.

Probabil ca ei isi permit, dar stii tu, cind uiti trecutul, ajungi sa-l repeti.


akasha6 February 19 2008, 09:07:34 UTC
These pictures are fantastic.Wonderful colors! Mr. Sheep seems to like it too...but maybe you shouldn't squeeze his belly:P
I like Flake but I don't like that interview.So I agree with you 100%.
Quiet day?


naked_runner February 19 2008, 09:09:34 UTC
But I'm not squeezing his belly, woman!

TY :D It was a wonderful day for taking pics ;)

Actually today I have a lot of stuff to do. So, not that quiet. And you? Stressy day?


akasha6 February 19 2008, 09:28:17 UTC
Oh that's good, I like it when you have a lot of stuff to do!;)
It's quiet here today and I'm very sleepy.I wish I could go to bed.


naked_runner February 19 2008, 09:34:11 UTC
Who are you planning to go to bed with?:P

I like when I have stuff to do too, but not today, I'm kinda sleepy too :P


elfenokster February 19 2008, 09:36:24 UTC
It was not so bad as you say. It did had unpleasant parts, but it had positive too! I think it's like everywhere,good and bad together.


naked_runner February 19 2008, 09:38:42 UTC
Well, for me and my family it was bad. And here it was bad. I don't know how it was in Russia, but here it was really bad.


elfenokster February 19 2008, 11:06:08 UTC
I believe it was...but, you know, it's very difficult to compare and say just good or bad in this case. I can type a lot of words telling what was good and what was bad, if you feel like reading all this. But i feel that it was better for my family then than now.

But still, different family, different country, different situation => different attitude.

Ah, i feel like again i mix something up with people...

*hugs* hope you're not angry with me!


naked_runner February 19 2008, 11:09:07 UTC
Why would I be angry? It is only a discussion, and of course everyone is entitled to their opinion. Don't worry, I'm not angry ;) And now I understand why you opinion is so too :D


beauty_forashes February 19 2008, 16:33:29 UTC
Beautiful castle, I love visiting sites like that.

I was fortunate and never had to live under a communist regieme. Probably it really is difficult for some to make the transition to democracy and the dog-eat-dog mentality, I can't really say. What I DON'T understand is how someone who made a success of himself can depreciate the freedom of speech so far as to say he he'd rather have the "flesh-pots of Egypt" back, or that it was better. So in this case I agree with you.


naked_runner February 19 2008, 18:36:05 UTC
Thank you, it's really a nice place to visit.

That's my point exactly. Letting aside the political sympathies, how can someone who made a success of himself and is thriving in the current situation make out that it was better when he wouldn't had a slightest chance to achieve all he has now? (That's a mouthful, but I'm too tired to think straight in English :P)


mutter12 February 19 2008, 19:41:40 UTC
I had to read it a couple of time.......I still find it hard to believe that you can say that you had a choice....Stay or get shot, to go in the army and study or not but no study....It is more take it or leave it.
But I must say that I come from a country where freedom of speech and thought are higly praised ( but unfortunately it is getting less and less) I find it hard to swallow that you don't miss it.


naked_runner February 20 2008, 08:29:50 UTC
Of course that wasn't a choice. And no one was given a real choice back then (except for few privileged).

I'm not sure I understand the last phrase, though. You mean Flake doesn't miss it, or me, or the people in the former communist bloc?


mutter12 February 20 2008, 08:46:32 UTC
Sorry I will try to explain ( reading that last sentence you were right it didn't make sense)
Flake is living in freedom now and can speak out his mind (if we agree with it or not) sth you def couldn't do in East Germany...how can you then say that you are not missing that and that you felt having a choice..
I wonder how you feel about it....Do you ever miss any part of it...I know it is also not perfect at the moment, but that also counts for Holland .


naked_runner February 20 2008, 08:55:28 UTC
Ah, I thought that might be it, but I wanted to make sure.

No, I don't regret any part of it. At least from my point of view, there was nothing good about it.

Why do you say it counts also for Holland?


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