Oh. Revenge. I get it.

Jun 19, 2010 23:27

Sargon: *opens Netflix envelope* We got Revenge of the Ninja.

Naamah: Cool! What's it about?

Sargon: . . .

Naamah: . . . That was a stupid question. I'm sorry.

As it turns out, this movie is horrible and absolutely hilarious. There is nothing cool about it at all. We are not even ten minutes in and I've already barked at the screen three ( Read more... )

conversations, movies

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Comments 53

jettcat June 20 2010, 04:30:33 UTC
French interstellar zombies with breast implants!


koth_remulak June 20 2010, 04:58:39 UTC
Samurai Midgets


pauamma June 20 2010, 16:15:58 UTC
Ideally, crossdressing Samurai midgets. That, or catgirls.


virginia_fell June 20 2010, 05:06:52 UTC
Unseelie Court.


kittyblue June 20 2010, 05:19:31 UTC
Per the BF: "I'd put in a steampunk ninja that gets sabotaged because someone stole all his coal."

... I'm trying to envision this, and my mind is embellishing it to be a ninja-as-geisha, with all sorts of inkbrush-y clockwork gears painted artfully onto her kimono and obi, as well as appropo gear-like accessories (hair sticks, etc).


rikibeth June 20 2010, 05:23:27 UTC
How about a bubble bath?


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