Halloween kitty pics.

Nov 01, 2009 15:21

I took some pics of the cats last night. And, behold, I have put Flickr to its intended use once again, instead of using it for boring art crap.


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sif, tazendra, kitty pics, animals, fish, cuteness, cats, pics

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Comments 62

shadowflyer November 1 2009, 21:27:46 UTC
The treasure chest is evocative of pirates and thus of swashbuckler porn, so I guess I can give you a pass on that one. X-D


naamah_darling November 1 2009, 21:28:54 UTC

There's *plenty* of swashbuckling porn in the gaming, too, so there's that.


trialia November 1 2009, 21:31:48 UTC
*snugs Fish* Blasted adorable furmonster. ;)

Also, is that an inflatable pumpkin??


naamah_darling November 1 2009, 21:46:29 UTC
No, it's a little light-up thing made out of those little plastic dots that they sort of melt together, but you can see through the spaces in between them? I don't know what you call that stuff. They make toy balls out of it that you can stick miniature light sticks into. I love the stuff.

It makes a GREAT night light.


siamesegoth2 November 1 2009, 21:36:45 UTC
Heee, Husband saw me going through the pics and heard the little growls of appreciation. He's just reminded me about the No more Kitties rule XD Apparently "I was just looking" does not work.

Isis has toe weeds, but noting near that impressive, damn she'll be jealous hehe.


(The comment has been removed)

shadowflyer November 2 2009, 01:55:26 UTC
*assiduous shoulder licks*


elialshadowpine November 1 2009, 21:55:12 UTC
Awww precious kitties!!! :)

I've been remiss in posting kitten pictures. Ours are about 14wks now and both deep black. It's hard to tell them apart much of the time. It's a little strange, because Rowan looks exactly like Ebony did when she was younger, and Ebony isn't the mother. o.O

I've been taking pictures. I just... um. have them on my camera, and not uploaded to the Internet... >_>

It was funny last night, though. A little girl trick-or-treating was all, "Kittens! Black kittens! WOW, TWO of them!!!" XD


elialshadowpine November 1 2009, 21:55:44 UTC
I also notice you have Boneshaker in the pic there. I just finished reading it. If you haven't already...... do It's quite awesome. :)


naamah_darling November 1 2009, 22:16:01 UTC

Obviously, I love black kitties.


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