Shitty Things People Say Part The Millionth

May 07, 2009 13:59

This is just tremendously depressing to me. And this.

I don't understand why people think bullying is just part of life. Everyone experiences being pushed around, but the way we as a culture just accept this kind of thing to the point that children are committing suicide because of it . . . that's sick.

It's sick the way that the victims are ( Read more... )


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Comments 229

harmfulguy May 7 2009, 19:59:42 UTC
What I really hate the bullies for is teaching me that bullying is the "normal" way to deal with other people. Which is something that I think most of us tend to internalize for the rest of our lives, and continually struggle against if we do notice. "Grown-ups" just learn to be more subtle about it.


xevokitty May 7 2009, 20:37:58 UTC
They're not subtle. They just learn to play nice while the boss is around and when nobody's looking, >BLAMMO< you still get it.

Been there, done that. Still twitchy.

(No, not blaming you. However, I'm female, I get a lot more shit just because of my gender in an IT field.)


extria May 7 2009, 20:00:10 UTC
Word. So much fucking word right there.

I was bullied all through Junior High and High School (all Catholic schools) - changed schools 3 times it didn't help. Attempted suicide twice, ended up in the psychiatric ward twice for extended periods. Was on so many kinds of anti-depressants it's not funny.

My parents had given up by High School - apparently I had done something to bring this on myself, to deserve this, I was just seeking attention by the end of it. (My home life wasn't the best either so there really was no place to turn - my high school counselor kept me alive in more ways than he knows).

Last time I was home for Spring Break my little brother (13) referred to our baby brother (7) was 'gay.' I snapped on him, knocked him to the floor and told him under no circumstances was he ever to refer to him by that word again ( ... )


shadowmoonsedai May 7 2009, 20:00:51 UTC
I want to say so much, but none of it will come out. Between those two stories and the lovely mess with Miss California, I'm wondering why I even bother to get up in the morning.

What is this world?? At what point will all of this hypocrisy stop? I don't know if you've been following the Miss California deal, but she at one point said something to the effect of that it was "mean spirited" and "vicious" for people to be attacking her because of her beliefs and that we should "respect everyone's opinion". I can tell you right now, I almost hurled my laptop across the room in rage. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Where was that respect for the believes of others when I was teased for being gay simply because I was trying to start a GSA - not because I'm gay, which I'm not, but because I didn't believe it was right, or fair, or any of that to see the people that I knew being treated as they were being treated, with nowhere to go.

Screw you, world. You suck.


(The comment has been removed)

amazon_syren May 7 2009, 21:36:37 UTC
Oh, that is so vile. >:-(

(Your teacher, I mean).


ladydragon543 May 7 2009, 22:33:18 UTC
This is more common than you think--which is rediculous!

I was bullied in 7th grade by my math "professor" (She had a PHD, and god forbid you call her Ms. Whateverthefuckhernamewas instead of Professor) I have one very vivid image of her throwing a fucking book at me in class.

The other kids just laughed. This bitch tried to hold me back a year. She went so far as to *misplace* my homework, and then say I had never turned it in. And my parents would have believed her if I hadn't had my mom helping me finish it every single night. This lasted until the last quarter of my 7th grade year. After she threw the book at me, I ran out of class and called my mom to pick me up. When she found out what had happened, she was livid. I was transfered to a different class, and I found out later that the Teacher hadn't been just bullying me, but doing that to all her students who weren't getting B's or higher.

Her defense? She was helping us build character.I am so fucking sick of hearing about character building. It's bullshit. Sometimes, you can ( ... )


naamah_darling May 8 2009, 00:52:25 UTC
You really can't force someone to have character. It develops over time. You can't make it happen by waving your hands.

Jesus, what a cow. I'm so sorry.


tammy_moore May 7 2009, 20:12:43 UTC
I was picked on a lot at school from primary school through to grammar. (Year younger than everyone else in the class, read for FUN, read adult books, was fat, was a bastard...the list goes on.) I preferred it when they just hit me. It sucked, don't get me wrong, but it was better than the whispers and name calling. If someone hits you at least people will understand why you're upset and hurt.

Oh and I always stood up for myself. I've always had a smart mouth and I knew bigger words than most of the kids tormenting me. All that meant was that the school told my mum things would be better if I didn't escalate confrontations. In situations like that you can't win unless people are willing to accept bullying is going on.

(My mum was awesome though. She went in and out through more useless teachers and took it to school boards and yelled at other kids parents.)


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