Underworld Comics: Am I Making Shit Up?

Feb 14, 2009 21:42

Hey, Underworld fans, help me out ( Read more... )

lycanthropy, halp, movies, media

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Comments 8

last_archangel February 15 2009, 03:59:55 UTC
I think you're referring to the comic series "Red in Tooth and Claw," which is (now alt-canon) about Raze's being turned into a lycan when Lucian is in hiding from Death Dealers in Africa. Weeeeeak storyline and crappy art, really, but it gives in interesting (alt-canon!) view on the UW-verse lycanthropy.

Did I mention it's now alt-canon? That actually made me happy when RotL changed the whole thing, because of how weak the RITaC storyline was.

I can't scan them right now, but I will at some point this week, if you'd like. But I have a (crappy) picture of me holding the first one here.


naamah_darling February 15 2009, 04:07:30 UTC

AAAAAARGH. That's like pulling out a splinter.

Scans of anything with Lucian on it would be swell, but not necessary. At least I now have a chance of getting a copy just to SEE how bad it is. THANK YOU.

The cover for #3 is the exact art I remember.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: I found a torrent. stormerider February 15 2009, 04:26:08 UTC
I certainly would. :)


ginmar February 21 2009, 19:24:42 UTC
Look up underworld trilogy at Amazon.


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