Goddamn Nightmares.

Feb 14, 2008 06:30

I hate nightmares.

The hell of it is that I can't explain what was so scary about it. It just was.

I was in a movie theater with my friends, going to see a movie adapted from a book that you, the_xtina, had written. I have no idea what it was supposed to be about, though oddly enough I know that it was a thick book. Anyway, not so bad ( Read more... )

panic attacks, music, panic, dreams

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Comments 64

bat_cheva February 14 2008, 12:50:24 UTC
Ohhhhhhhh...I hate the dreams that are scariest after you wake up and think about them. *shudders*



naamah_darling February 14 2008, 13:01:31 UTC
No kidding. I am seriously weirded out over here.

I need to dose myself with kava or something and try to go back to sleep. I've got shit to do today.

We are confirmed for puppy-pinching on Saturday, by the way! EEEEEE!!!


bat_cheva February 14 2008, 13:05:33 UTC
YAAAAAAAAAAAAYY for puppy pinching!!!!

We'll come over and pick you up around, say, 6:30-ish? :)

And personally, I'd try paging through that rugby player calendar before trying to get back to sleep. Bound to improve the dreams. *VVVVVBG*


naamah_darling February 14 2008, 13:41:32 UTC
Sounds good!

Is Randy coming? I'm reeeeeally trying to talk Sargon into coming. I think he needs some puppy therapy.

I think you're right. Mr. February is awfully . . . in need of . . . . I'll stop right there.


princess_kessie February 14 2008, 13:36:45 UTC
*cuddles and sends plushies to soothe away the nasties*

On a lighter note - I *love* that Santana/Chad Kroeger match-up. Brilliance, putting them together. (but what's not to love about Chad anyway?)


naamah_darling February 14 2008, 13:44:00 UTC
It IS an awesome fucking song. And it was while listening to it that I went "Hey, you know, I've always liked his voice. It's textured and interesting and rough. But I never realized before that HOLY GOD THAT IS SO SEXY."

I listened to it, like, ten times in a row the first time I heard it. Hot damn.


princess_kessie February 14 2008, 13:49:00 UTC
Heh - he's the reason I got interested in Nickelback's music in the first place - I saw him on a clip on VH1, and my jaw hit the ground. Mmmmmmmm, Kroegerlicious...


naamah_darling February 14 2008, 13:53:59 UTC
The hilarious part is that until I bothered googling him, I didn't realize he was, like, ACTUALLY pretty hot in addition to just sounding like awesome. *lmao* This is what I get for never, ever watching TV.


toxic_iguana February 14 2008, 14:41:20 UTC
my nightmare creep-out song is "Butterfly Kisses."


archanglrobriel February 14 2008, 14:44:05 UTC
Oooh that song creeps the hell out of me too. When I was little I called it "The death song" and that's still how I think about it today.


naamah_darling February 14 2008, 14:47:13 UTC
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one traumatized by spectral death-bunnies and their creepy theme songs.

Jesus Christ. In retrospect, I have literally no idea why my parents let me watch that movie so much. It's creepy as fuck.


pixxelpuss February 14 2008, 15:33:45 UTC
I never saw Watership Down. Now I'm afraid to.


naamah_darling February 14 2008, 16:15:19 UTC
I think as an adult, it would be okay. It's an amazing movie, but it's creepy. If you go into it knowing that, it's not so bad.


galiyah February 14 2008, 14:47:19 UTC
Creepy. Just creepy. I hope the rest of the day is better.


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