Goddamn Nightmares.

Feb 14, 2008 06:30

I hate nightmares.

The hell of it is that I can't explain what was so scary about it. It just was.

I was in a movie theater with my friends, going to see a movie adapted from a book that you, the_xtina, had written. I have no idea what it was supposed to be about, though oddly enough I know that it was a thick book. Anyway, not so bad ( Read more... )

panic attacks, music, panic, dreams

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bat_cheva February 14 2008, 12:50:24 UTC
Ohhhhhhhh...I hate the dreams that are scariest after you wake up and think about them. *shudders*



naamah_darling February 14 2008, 13:01:31 UTC
No kidding. I am seriously weirded out over here.

I need to dose myself with kava or something and try to go back to sleep. I've got shit to do today.

We are confirmed for puppy-pinching on Saturday, by the way! EEEEEE!!!


bat_cheva February 14 2008, 13:05:33 UTC
YAAAAAAAAAAAAYY for puppy pinching!!!!

We'll come over and pick you up around, say, 6:30-ish? :)

And personally, I'd try paging through that rugby player calendar before trying to get back to sleep. Bound to improve the dreams. *VVVVVBG*


naamah_darling February 14 2008, 13:41:32 UTC
Sounds good!

Is Randy coming? I'm reeeeeally trying to talk Sargon into coming. I think he needs some puppy therapy.

I think you're right. Mr. February is awfully . . . in need of . . . . I'll stop right there.


bat_cheva February 14 2008, 14:06:15 UTC
Oh yes, absolutely, Randy's going to be there. He can't wait to see them either. *g*

Hmmmmm...sounds interesting. *VVVVVVVVVBG* I think I'll go get ready for bed by reading Lost Girls. *coughs*


pixxelpuss February 14 2008, 15:32:08 UTC
I'm a Lost Girls evangelist. It's so deliciously filthy.


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