Unseemly Haste

Apr 17, 2006 13:02

Hey, you lot.

Things are still borderline here -- had to bug out of a meeting on Friday night. Just too many people. I can deal with that if I'm not being the Bearer of All Piss-off, but alas, on Friday it was not meant to be. Ironically, it would have been easier if I hadn't been interacting with people I like. Around people I hate I can feel ( Read more... )

menstruation, red cross, writing

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Comments 54

rimestock April 17 2006, 18:38:53 UTC
I'll ask around in my family for titles.

Between the mother of a librarian, the two history-professor uncles, and the cousin who's actively involved in random war reenactments, I can probably hook you up with a decent place to start/continue/etc.

(Of course, now I'm curious about how it's an alternate.)


stormcaller3801 April 17 2006, 18:42:26 UTC
I can think of some ways- but I shalt not.

And your sources seem to trump my source. :P No fair having more history- knowing people!


naamah_darling April 17 2006, 19:48:20 UTC
Cool. I'd appreciate that a lot.

(I'd tell you that, but that info doesn't need to be public -- if someone else ran with my idea, I'd have to hunt them down and kill them.)


stormcaller3801 April 17 2006, 18:41:26 UTC
Good news- I have a friend who's getting his Masters degree in history. I've asked him to suggest resources, so shouldn't take long to get you some good titles n' such.


polar_bear_sama April 17 2006, 21:41:10 UTC
*is apparently that friend*
While it's not my expertise, I can perhaps suggest a few things just looking through the bibliography of "For The Common Defense" (A Military History of the U.S.)
SB says you might want more of the cultural side of things:
Stephen V. Ash's "War and Peace in the Upper South" looks promising. So does Warren Wilkinson's "Mother, May You Never See the Sights I have Seen." The author of "For The..." gives it a good review.

There's a metric ton of stuff out there, which is probably part of the problem.



naamah_darling April 17 2006, 21:47:46 UTC
>>There's a metric ton of stuff out there, which is probably part of the problem.

Exactly. I could go straight to the library and come home with 200 books on the subject, but that really wouldn't get me any closer to what I need to know.

Thank you very much for the references! Both sound like the sort of thing I am looking for.


wildelf April 17 2006, 18:44:48 UTC
Wow, sources on the civil war... that'll be a huge list *grin*

Though one source that likely won't be suggested which, in my opinion, is well worth looking into is Harry Turtledove "The Guns of the South". An alternate history set in the confederacy during that time. Very interesting. He even has the verbal presentation of words down for the time. It may fill in a lot of gaps as he presents people in a way that histories rarely do, that you'll need biographies to dig into. He also mentions his research in the back of the book.
I am not sure, but I believe he's done one or two others set in the same time period.


topknot April 17 2006, 20:03:48 UTC
*flailing over Rock & Rule icon*


wildelf April 17 2006, 20:22:47 UTC
Thank you.
And you gots a Jane icon!! Woot!! I'm a huge Jane fan *grin*

RnR has come out on DVD recently... findable at Amazon last I checked. 2DVD set *grin* All the goodies. Am wanting.

Got Firefly. All of it. Need more...


topknot April 17 2006, 20:30:10 UTC
I made a great many Jayne icons. *g* I adore him.

I bought "Rock & Rule" on DVD the day it came out. It was always a favourite of mine when I was growing up.


(The comment has been removed)

naamah_darling April 17 2006, 19:53:10 UTC
I can't get the dragon to come out right. Dragons have wings and four legs. And for the life of me, I can get four legs or two legs and wings on the same body, but somehow, not both. My brain just wants to cram in lots of neck and tail, and not leave room for anything else.


stormcaller3801 April 17 2006, 20:05:09 UTC
Would images of four-legged dragons help? Just for proportioning n' such? Or is this more of a spirit is willing, flesh doesn't give a damn what the spirit wants situtation?


naamah_darling April 17 2006, 20:08:48 UTC
This is a one-time pain in ass thing, not an "I have no references" thing. I just really want to draw wyverns, apparently. But thanks for the offer.


celticmistress April 17 2006, 19:07:56 UTC
You seem to be in a good mood! I'm glad! A happy Naamah means a mostly non-surly Sargon! **grins** One day I'll make a visit dag nab it!! One day!!! **shakes fist**


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