Unseemly Haste

Apr 17, 2006 13:02

Hey, you lot.

Things are still borderline here -- had to bug out of a meeting on Friday night. Just too many people. I can deal with that if I'm not being the Bearer of All Piss-off, but alas, on Friday it was not meant to be. Ironically, it would have been easier if I hadn't been interacting with people I like. Around people I hate I can feel free to be surly, snarl, and not speak except to mutter obscenities under my breath. People I like I don't force to endure my evil tempers. Had a major fit late that night (or early that morning, depending on how you measure these things), which didn't fix anything at all and still hasn't made me feel any better, but I insist that it's a necessary thing.

I've come out of the weekend with a really killer idea, though, and those are worth any amount of trouble in the long run, so it's not a total loss. I'm excited about this one. Enough so that it may get written next, even before the vampire novel. I've got to do research on the Civil War, the deep south, social customs, and the late 1800s, though, so I'm trying to accrue a list of nonfiction books that are actually readable. Suggestions are welcome; my knowledge of the time and place is basic enough to ground me in the period, but not enough to allow me to write in an alternate-history Confederacy. For that I'll need a much more thorough edumacation.

The new box I'm working on is a hand's breadth from being finished -- all of it is done, all, but for one panel, which is giving me absolute fits. It's so incredibly beautiful that I'm partly terrified of screwing it up, which isn't helping things any. But don't get me wrong -- I love it when my work fights me just enough to make things interesting! And this one is going to be interesting all right. It's incredibly complicated, which I hadn't intended, but it's shaping up to be one of the prettiest I've ever done.

I'm getting up shortly to go to the bank and then give blood, both things I would prefer not to have to do, but which I'll be happy to have done. I shall return later with some scent reviews and tales of Fish. If you are lucky, and I am lucky, there will even be a video demonstration of her cuteness.

Edit: Meh. Hematocrit deferral. My blood isn't strong enough this week, apparently. Maybe I should try again when I'm not, you know, bleeding from my unmentionables. Goddamn irregular cycle bullshittery.

In compensation, I shall now attempt to get video of Fish playing with her frogs.

menstruation, red cross, writing

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