Kitty halp 2: Viktor and Emelia need help!

Dec 02, 2009 03:17

Please help spread the word!

Our good friends Elspeth and Dana, who adopted two of the rescue kittens I cared for a while back, have to move out of state in January, and due to the lack of warning they aren't going to be able to take their cats. They need to find a home for Viktor and Emelia ASAP. This is unavoidable, non-negotiable, and sucky.

These are the kittens brought to me at a week old.

The kittens of such adorability that it came with a warning label and made it on Cute Overload.

The kittens you all helped me take care of so generously, and who owe a lot to you through me.

They are no longer tiny little things. They are full-grown cats. These are the most recent pictures of them I can find on my Flickr.

I still love them, even though I don't see them that often. I really can't, however, take them in right now. We are having behavior/litter box problems as it is. This is not for lack of love, it's just me knowing the limits of my household, and hating those limits.

This is all very sudden, we only found out about the move on Thursday. I am heartbroken; in addition to having two good friends move, I am worried sick about my babies.

The kitties are in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We would prefer they go out together. They have made it so far together, and I have no wish to separate them now.

Viktor and Emelia are now Sardine and Anchovy (long story). They live with a beagle, so they can probably cope with dogs. They are not rated for small children, so I don't know how they would perform. They are neutered. They are indoor-only cats, and must remain so.

Please, please spread the word and help us find someone who can adopt both of them. Even if you don't know anyone who lives in Oklahoma, spread the word and ask others to spread it, because you really don't ever know who is watching or where they live or who they might know. That is how we found a home for Gracie, with a person who is not even on LJ.

You helped me with these babies once. I hate to ask again, but nobody was expecting this, and there just isn't another way.

If you can take them in or want more information, you can reach their current mother at or their daddy at I will be forwarding all enquiries that come to me to them, since I personally really can't do anything.

jesus christ it's a lion, halp, kittens

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