Title: Reason 42: Breaking in a new apartment
Series: 50 Reasons To Have Sex
mystic7194Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Cas
Length:561 words
Rating: PG
Warning:Angel pregnancy (sort of m-preg but the vessel isn’t pregnant only Cas’ true form is)
Summary: In one of the episodes of How I Met Your Mother the character create a list of 50 reasons to have sex. So I’ve written a fic for every reason. The fics are mostly slash and are from several different fandoms including (but not limited to) BBC Sherlock, Supernatural, Grimm, and Glee. Most fics stand alone.
In this chapter Dean decides to settle down because of the baby. This is in the same Universe as
Reason 35 Masterpost “You know this place isn’t half bad without Casper the unfriendly ghost trying to talk people into offing themselves,” Dean says.
The Winchester brothers have just finished cleansing a block of upscale apartments from an unhappy spirit. They’re walking through doing a final EMF sweep. The old friend of Dad’s that hired them for the job meets them in the lobby.
“So what’s rent on a place like this?” Dean asks suddenly.
“For you, big discount,” the owner says. “I owe you and your old man more than I can count. You saved the entire operation plus it could be useful having you around in case something else nasty pops up in the future.”
“Are you seriously considering taking that apartment?”
“Yeah,” Dean says. “It’d be nice to settle down, cut back on the hunting.”
“Who are you and what have you done with my brother?”
“I’m serious man,” Dean scowls. “I think it’s time to retire.”
“Where is this coming from?” Sam asks. “You always talk about ‘once a hunter always a hunter’ and all that garbage. Why are you so gung ho all of a sudden to leave the life?”
“I have to Sam,” Dean reveals. “I’m gonna be a dad. Cas is pregnant. Don’t ask. It’s complicated angelic weirdness. But that kid is already gonna have a huge target on her back because she’s half-angel and half-Winchester. So I’ve got to do everything I can to protect her. If that means giving up hunting then so be it.”
They’re moved in within a month. Dean and Cas take the master bedroom, they decorate the room next door for the baby, and Sam takes the guest room down the hall. They paint the baby’s room a light green. Cas is sure it’s going to be a girl but they go with a gender neutral color. It’s too early to be forcing gender stereotypes on the child. Painting is exhausting. None of them have ever lived anywhere long enough to do any painting so it’s mostly trial and error with a little help from YouTube. Still at some points Dean thinks they’re getting more paint on themselves than the walls.
Sam is visiting an old friend when Cas and Dean buy (and then have to assemble) the last of the furniture for their new home. Dean feels a bit in awe as they survey the apartment. He’s never really had a home other than his baby. He’d made peace with the idea that it would just be him and Sam on the road or in crappy hotel rooms scrambling from one backwater town to another until some supernatural nasty got the best of them. He never expected to have a family of his own, to be able to settle down with someone he loved and have a kid, to be a dad.
It’s hard to believe it’s real sometimes. Then he looks at Cas. He can see the unguarded love in the angel’s eyes. If he squints just right he thinks he can see the life growing in Castiel’s grace too. He’s so lucky to have all of this.
“You know there’s just one thing left to do right?” Cas responds with a look of confusion. He obviously doesn’t know.
“We have to break this new apartment in,” Dean tells Cas pulling him in for a kiss.
AN: Dean’s baby had to be a girl because Dean would make the best overprotective dad. I can see the conversation when she tries to date “But I fight demons all the time.” “Boys are more dangerous than demons. Do what your papa did. He was a virgin until he was a couple millennia old.”
Please leave a review. I’m trying to post all of the chapters by Friday so it’s all done when I go to Florida. It depends on school stuff.