Original: The Letter

Feb 08, 2016 20:44

Title: The Letter [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Dree and CJ (mention of -her- Wyatt, TJ, and rest of the Pennsylvania gang)
Rating: PG
Summary: She finally learns the truth about the day he walked away, and isn't at all what she imagined
Warning: ANGST. some time around What Was, What Is *Written for The Long Surprise at gameofcards. Prompts: 7 ( Read more... )

-gameofcards, goldfish

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Comments 13

bizarra February 9 2016, 01:58:50 UTC
Awww.... <3<3


erinm_4600 February 9 2016, 02:25:15 UTC
First time I plotted that moment, she was on the floor in a puddle and it was taking CJ everything he had to not tell her EVERYTHING. ♥


bizarra February 9 2016, 02:32:30 UTC
I like the way it came out this way. It makes more sense with where she is now.


erinm_4600 February 9 2016, 14:21:14 UTC
I spent most of last night pondering whether or not she demands to see him. To tell him she got the letter and give him a well-deserved smack in the face (simply because he went and died on her, and not for everything else... <3)


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