CHALLENGE #04: The Long Surprise

Jan 04, 2016 22:44

CHALLENGE #04: The Long Surprise

Description: Happy New Year, everyone!

Our first challenge of the phase is the big challenge that I brought up back at the end of phase 5. (If the maximum word count looks too daunting, remember you can choose to write less! The minimum in every writing challenge is 50 words, unless otherwise specified.)

Below you'll find two lists: one of unexpected events and one of themes. Your task is to pick one item from each list and use them to write a fic. You can choose two items that inspire you, or you can use a randomizer and select them randomly; whichever you prefer.

1. A family member shows up for a surprise visit.
2. It's revealed the world is going to end in a week.
3. One or more characters wake up with super-powers.
4. Someone close to the character dies suddenly.
5. Someone the character(s) knows publishes a tell-all memoir that may include the character(s).
6. Someone tries to kill the character.
7. The character gets an unexpected gift.
8. The character is offered a new and exciting job.
9. The character meets a potential love interest in a coffee shop.
10. The character wins the lottery.

1. Ambition
2. Courage
3. Freedom
4. Isolation
5. Jealousy
6. Justice
7. Loss
8. Love
9. Power
10. Victory

Points: 5 points for every 50 words, up to a maximum of 1500 words (150 points). You can write more than this, but you won't receive more more points. You can also write write less than this, for fewer points.
Due Date: Monday, February 8th, midnight EST
Submitting: Please submit your fic or a link to your fic to this post using the following header:

Event and Theme Used:
Title: (optional)
Pairings: (if any)
Warnings: (if any)
Word Count:

If you have any questions, please ask in the questions thread below.


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