We've got to risk implosion!

Aug 18, 2010 06:51

As you may have noticed, I've been absent lately. Between the show and a week-long family vacation on the Oregon coast, I haven't been able to check my f-list or update or anything--which is too bad, since I wish I'd recorded my thoughts about the show while they were still fresh. Anyway, here's a little round-up of things I've been thinking about ( Read more... )

sherlock holmes, television:sherlock, star trek, outdoor star trek, film

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Comments 21

filmnoir6 August 18 2010, 13:55:12 UTC
What did you think of Orson Welles's adaptation of Kafka's The Trial?

And yeah, Inception was quite a wild ride but a little confusing at the end, especially with the "levels" of unconscious they were playing with. (And yeah, there were also times where Leonardo did not need to explain certain things for us.)


my_daroga August 18 2010, 14:07:56 UTC
Oh, I love Welles' The Trial. I don't remember the book all that well but the film is gorgeous and atmospheric and quite astounding considering the conditions. He's great in it, and I think Perkins is perfect.

The thing is, I feel like Inception was made specifically for us to go "oh, confusing, it must be clever" and that bothers me a bit. I thought the ending was meant to mean nothing more than that it was twisty. If that makes sense without giving anything away.

Especially explaining things that, in the explanation, made no sense via any science known to man.


filmnoir6 August 18 2010, 14:24:44 UTC
I think Welles lent a surrealist bend to an "absurdist" text. Really, the novel seems more an self-reflection on the law since Kafka was an insurance lawyer by trade.

I think you hit the key point with Leonardo's explanations: they made little sense logically or scientifically.


my_daroga August 18 2010, 14:26:53 UTC
Well, with something like that, "direct" adaptation is going to be hard. I think what Welles did is interpret, you're right. He altered the tone somewhat. But I'm actually okay with that.


inlaterdays August 18 2010, 14:00:54 UTC
SAME SAME SAME about Sherlock Holmes! Didn't like the Ritchie movie, but I've fallen and fallen hard for BBC's Sherlock. I need to post about it but I've been too busy playing in the comms.


my_daroga August 18 2010, 14:08:23 UTC
This is my only Holmes icon.

But I am glad I'm not alone! I mean, I knew I wasn't. But yes.


inlaterdays August 18 2010, 14:13:16 UTC
Come play in the fandom! Although the main comm gets a TON of activity and you probably are very busy. But it's the most lovely place.

I've avoided seeing Inception because often I don't like things that other people rave about, and then I feel bad. Someone said it was like watching My First Mindf*ck Movie so I thought - ehhh, going to give it a miss.


my_daroga August 18 2010, 14:18:47 UTC
I am pretty busy, but... I do not know what I would do in the fandom. I mean, I don't want to write anything, so I don't think I know how to interact! What's the comm, though?

Heh, that's a pretty good analysis. I liked Nolan better when he had less money and fewer people to entertain. Memento wasn't a masterpiece, but it held together from what I recall. But I know what you mean about the people raving and feeling bad--I probably shouldn't say anything at all.


glamourcorpse August 18 2010, 14:32:29 UTC
1. Naked Time- You guys are the best. You should come to Buffalo. We have the perfect park for it. It will make up for how awful Shakespeare in the Park was this year. UGHHHH.

2. Neither did I. I liked the way somethings looked and a couple lines RDJ uttered but not much else. My friend is supposed to burn me the new series. I'm been jazzed about it since I saw the creative team behind it. I'm so glad it sounds so good.

3. Me? Not bloody much on my end. I was starting to taking painting lessons and my "teacher" got to busy to work with me, so art wise things have gone pear shaped. I am desperately looking for a new job and have completely fallen in love with 70's rocker Steve Harley. (Which reminds me I need to buy my paid account back so I can get Steve Icons!)


my_daroga August 18 2010, 15:57:16 UTC
1. Thanks! Buffalo is kind of far, but you know, we only did this because we thought "we should have this in Seattle." Sorry Shakespeare was awful, though. What went wrong?

2. Did you like Jekyll? Anyway, I did enjoy Law as Watson, but mostly I thought the movie just felt like most other summer action movies, which is fine but not what I'm looking for. I did think RDJ could have done a good job--he just wasn't playing Holmes for me.

3. Sorry about the art thing. Bleh. And... Steve Harley? I mean, I've only heard him do the POTO theme, and was never surprised that he wasn't given the role. But I haven't heard any Cockney Rebel stuff.


glamourcorpse August 18 2010, 16:40:43 UTC
1. It should have been good show except they set in in the 40s, intercut scenes with 30s-40s songs and the execution of said changes were horrific. Also the casting of Beatrice was horrific as well (my old Drama director UGH) and Benedict sounded and looked like Seth McFarlane. The only good part was Dogberry played by Norm Sham and his completely random performance of "Respect ( ... )


my_daroga August 18 2010, 18:34:14 UTC
1. I know what you mean. The Midsummer I was in did something similar--it was transposed to high school, with 50s songs, but the actual issues that raised--like, um, the class sexpot and the principal apparently had a fling?--were totally unaddressed. It bothered me.

2. It is a little intense. I asked because of Moffat, especially since I like it and Sherlock a lot better than DW.

3. Ooh, thanks for the clips. I liked the first one least, but the rest were really nice. He has a... somewhat Dylanesque approach to pitch.

3a. I don't know! I mean, I don't think they have done anything with it, but I always heard it wasn't too popular in France. I don't know WHY that is and I'd love to find out. Part if it is probably simply momentum--POTO got a foothold here with Chaney and that sort of snowballed into "maybe a new one will be successful, too." But I'm sure that's not all of it.


tintorera August 18 2010, 14:39:04 UTC
I'm going to watch Inception next week, will be back with my opinion.
Totally out of context: You changed your motto, right? Or didn't I just notice?
I guess you listened to The Last Shadow Puppets recently. ;D


my_daroga August 18 2010, 15:53:47 UTC
Excellent icon!

I did, just after I posted this morning. Eh, I like the phrase.


finncullen August 18 2010, 20:02:17 UTC
I thought you would like Sherlock, and am glad that you did.

The second episode - written by someone I have never come across before, and directed by my least favourite DW director, was a disappointment after the high of the first, but I'm glad to say that the third episode (written by Mark Gatiss) returned to show the promise of the opening one.

Were I the type, which I am not, I would fangirl Steven Moffat. I can honestly say he has not written anything I have not been delighted with.

The updating of Sherlock and John has been everything it should have been, and the little games that Moffat played with canon ("Rache" = in "Study in Scarlet" did represent the German for revenge. Here it meant "Rachel" and Holmes mockery of Anderson 'No she's leaving us cryptic messages in german' amused me greatly) were just the icing on the cake.

The BBC have confirmed that more are being commissioned, but no date set as yet.


my_daroga August 18 2010, 20:42:35 UTC
I've heard this, about the unevenness of the series, so I am prepared. I'm glad more are set to be made.

It's funny, but maybe I'd like Moffat's DW more if he had more leeway, as he has with the two miniseries I've seen. There were still things I didn't like about each, but Doctor Who has never really set with me, and I have a big problem with the way intriguing, darker themes arise only to be fanboy'd into abeyance. But I think we've talked about that before.

I agree about the games played with the update. Easily teased out by fans, and not necessary to the enjoyment of new watchers. I was also gratified to find canonical asexuality--or at least, the appearance of such.


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