Thoughts on Kirk/Spock, fic requests, and picspam!

Jun 24, 2009 08:36

What I want from fic--and you
I think the single-greatest thing about the new Star Trek movie is how it's injected new life into the fandom, and how that's not at all isolated to the actors/characters from the new film. I have talked to so many people who've gotten into TOS via the film, and thus far my interactions in fandom have been really ( Read more... )

fanfic meta, picspam, star trek, television: star trek: tos, william shatner

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Comments 74

lilithsshadow June 24 2009, 16:31:32 UTC
I feel so unequipped to provide you with fic, but perhaps there might be some pic goodness at some point.

On that note, the Kirk love made me smile. Those gum cards are full of lol. I so want to see Kirk rescued from a tiny lion. And the way that Bones is checking out his ass? Whoa. Speaking of whoa...pimp hat? *iz ded* Thank you for sharing.


my_daroga June 24 2009, 16:34:31 UTC
Frankly, most people I know are as confused as I am about where to find it, so don't worry about it. I was asking for recommendations, not for you to write it.

I know! Those descriptions of NO SENSE MAKING. I also like "Attacked By Nothing" or whatever.


lilithsshadow June 24 2009, 16:44:21 UTC
Well I don't read a lot either, so I'm just no help there. ;)

Though it might be fun to find some particularly delightful captures and write a short prompt about them in a similar fashion, you know? There have got to be tons of great pics worth writing about.


my_daroga June 24 2009, 16:51:27 UTC
Oh yeah. Or stories based on those captions. Like the one about Yeoman Rand's raspberries or whatever. Or Kirk being saved by the tiniest flower.

Some of them are probably suited to Shatnoy, too:

... )


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my_daroga June 24 2009, 18:00:42 UTC
Really? Okay, I've resized. I didn't think about it because the monitor I'm on is way less big than mine at home, and it didn't seem TOO big.

It *is* big. But it's really nice (in my limited experience). Though obviously if you need to save up for HP, you need to do that. I just haven't felt this awesome about something in YEARS. Though my fannishness is pretty much totally for TOS and though I went to see the movie again it was mostly to read other stuff into it and prepare for writing fic and anyway I'll probably see it again...


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my_daroga June 24 2009, 18:30:13 UTC
Oh, I totally know what you're saying. I mean I'm pretty Kirk/Spock focused but at the same time, dear god I love McCoy and Sulu and everyone (though not really Scotty, except in the new movie and I was never much of a Chekov fan, mostly because I KNEW from the start he was thrown in there to be a teenybopper heartthrob. Also the wig. Ye gods.). So yeah, where do you start?

You may be right re: Quinto!Spock. Though I love Nimoy's. Anyway I like the whole concept of seeing what's changed, and trying to figure it out, even though I suspect that a lot more thought went into "how do we make kids like this movie" than "how to we make exciting commentary on the original." Only logical.

And you haven't (I don't think) but thank you! I need to post the Shatner/Nimoy stuff here at some point for completeness, but I'm just afraid everyone will be creeped out.


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my_daroga June 24 2009, 18:45:24 UTC
Yes! This is exactly what I'm talking about, or at least a component of it. And I get why people want to read certain comforting things, but you know I get more comfort/entertainment/thought from something like you describe. Kirk's complex, too. And we know he likes women, as well. That might be minor, but between his nature and Spock's upbringing and attempt to balance his existence you'd think there'd be a lot more struggle. Even, or especially, once they'd hooked up and the honeymoon is over.

They've sort of built their own culture on the Enterprise, where I get the sense both are more comfortable than anywhere else. But that doesn't resolve all previous issues, and at some point they'll have to leave, and... Yeah. There's so much.

Also, I would not say that I've actually written any TOS fic.


starcrossedgirl June 24 2009, 18:57:51 UTC
Have you read Killa's fic? She is stunning, stunningly amazing in her writing. And if you want something that's not picture perect smush, sit down and read "Bitter Glass". It's... I don't even have words for it, except that it fit them *perfectly* and it had me crying, and I very rarely cry when reading fic. (Killa, in case you have not noticed already, is my goddess. Her K/S vids are all awesome, too, it's a shame I didn't get to save them all before she took them down due to people being fucktards ( ... )


my_daroga June 24 2009, 19:01:38 UTC

This is so what I'm asking for, and I haven't even looked yet. So thank you. I'm very excited! And I do want to see your recs, and I'll keep an eye out for that. I also don't mind being pointed at rec pages people like. I'm sure you understand the scope of this is intimidating!

Frankly, I am really only into the K/S, but I want to leave myself open just in case. I don't see anything coming close, but even my OTPs are never inviolable. For a good cause.

Thanks so much!


otemporaomores June 24 2009, 21:33:28 UTC
I never post in here anymore, but I've been following your Shatner obsession with interest as it has paralleled and reinforced my own. Just wanted to say that your wall of pictures made my day.


my_daroga June 24 2009, 21:35:07 UTC
Aww. I'm glad. I love him so much. The more ridiculous he is, the more I love him. Glad to be of help!


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