Deepest Shadow Pt 11

Jun 21, 2006 18:33

Previous Parts 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


“What’s your name, beautiful?" he charmed. Beautiful? Aren’t we a tad forward? I recognised the young man’s accent; it was almost identical to Master Ville’s.
“Name's Tuomas,” he grinned, holding up his arms theatrically, “Used to play for the band before I broke my wrist.” he was, how can I put it, enthusiastic
I motioned for a shot of his poison for the evening, to which he accepted with a small smile and thankful nod.
“Bam,” I mewed coyly. Let him dance the lead . He’ll get it soon enough. I noticed at the sound of my name he became all the more interested. We talked for a while about his European home, how he came from Helsinki - just like Ville. He didn’t take the drink, however. He was jokey, charismatic, wonderfully charming- I enjoyed his company for the while we sat. I had not forgotten my task, however.

Three hours on Tuomas and I leaned close into one another, still just talking of course, still amusing ourselves with one another‘s musings. Casually he slipped his hand from his knee and placed it upon mine and raked his nails down the inside of my thigh teasingly, resting his hand somewhere I’d rather not be touched normally yet dared to allow the gentleman at my side. I leaned closer over to his ear and hissed ever so slightly-

“My place?” I wanted a gift for Master Ville on his return, although in the moment of my slight anger at Ville I deliberated that perhaps Toumas should be for me . Tuomas bit his lower lip subtly in regret and shook his head to my proposal.
“Sorry, I need to be places,” he cooed his eyes mirroring his distaste at not accepting my intimate request, “ but will you be here tomorrow?"
I pouted. I was not used to being played hard-to-get. But all was not lost.

I arrived home having gone without the blood that night, though that was no worry, to find one unsettling thing. The whole place was empty. The fifth night was here , yet I was still alone. The dawn was an hour away, and still no sign. I worried. Where was he? So I drifted into an uneasy sleep, curling up on the floor again, hugging my arms to my body. The bed’s a big place for one person . It seems you don’t realise how cold it is sleeping until you do so alone. Better dead than alone.
I half expected him to wake me the next night. Like I would turn to find myself on the bed with his arms round my waist, and sweet kisses would dissolve my worries into the dark. Sure enough though, I found no sign of my pale white god. I knew he wouldn’t be back tonight; he wouldn’t risk travel by day. Strangely I found myself thinking of Tuomas, the Finnish tease at the Drum Riser’s bar.
Ville promised he wouldn’t be gone this long as this. He promised me. Fine, I thought, I’m sick of moping around like a fucking dog, I’ll get myself some fun. I dressed in my Master Ville’s best shirt. I’ll see its wrecked by morning, I thought spitefully. The city streets were whipped with an icy Autumn wind and the rust coloured leaves from the few trees littered my path to dance away at my pace. The chill made no difference to my skin as I hadn’t fed enough to be warm. Soon enough I’d know warmth.


W00t trouble's brewing darlings, make no mistake....

comments=quishy penguin hugs
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