Deepest Shadows Pt 9 *many a familiar face in this part*

Jun 19, 2006 18:45

EDIT: Previous Parts 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8


“But I hurt you,” he sighed, turning me so he saw his marks across my white flesh. I laughed slightly before I felt the sting of his tongue across my shoulders. He lapped the faint scattering of blood from me and cleaned the wounds like a cat would have; I loved the way it felt,even the dull burn.
“The is dawn soon,” I sighed contently laying myself down with him, throwing the used sheet to the floor with little care. I can only vaguely remember falling asleep in his arms that morning. Just the reassurance in my slumber that came from feeling him around em told me so.
The bed felt so empty the next night when I awoke. A note was all I found of him, left on the oak bedside table among some roses. The Master had always loved roses, white, red-those were his favorite. I traced my nail along the formal and enchanting wax ceil to find the familiarity of his handwriting within -

I’m sorry but I just couldn’t bear to wake you before I left, but I wont be gone more than five nights. As your Master I order you to keep yourself busy - don’t forget to feed.
All my love

Five nights he had left me alone. Five whole nights of being cold. But an order was an order, was it not? So instead of missing him that night I dressed in my tightest trousers (let no one tell you I was a tease ,mind you )and came across one of the Masters well-worn silk shirts. His scent lingered on it, which was comforting in a way .The sun was not long set but already the city was alive. The place my Master had chosen to dwell was a not far above in the hills from sleepless hum of the city bellow, rather well placed amongst the cover of undergrowth and eyes that would seek us out. The little castle structure we inhabited has been great many years ago, so Ville told me, but that is a story best saved for another time.

Now on this night I took it upon myself to visit one of the many alternative clubs’ - I was hungry and as was proven time and time again, there was never any shortage of victims at the bar.
The lights of the clubs in the city central were entrancing. I found myself inside a small live metal club ‘The Drum Riser’ that very evening, and the feast of beautiful boys on offer was nothing less than quite perfect. I took it upon myself to make my way through the noise and the smoke to a seat at the bar, taking in the menu of dread-locked, tattooed and pierced mortals around me, blissfully unaware of my selection that was taking place. 'Which would Ville choose?' I wondered. I didn’t have to look far, a prized one ended up next to me, very conveniently.

“Come here often?” said the blonde, pushing back his dreads to reveal a broken heart tattooed behind an ear.
“Not often,” I winked, grinning like a Cheshire cat “May I buy you a drink?” A slight shade of pink crossed the boy's cheeks; he seemed to be enjoying my advances.
“Sure,” he smiled, “My name's Linde. Everyone calls me Lilly.”
I was beside myself with the ease of it all. Seduction was all too easy.
“Bam” I replied simply.
“So,” he laughed, downing the third shot of plain Vodka “Here to see Turbonergro?”
“Who?” I asked ever so slightly perplexed.

He pointed to the contrastingly well lit stage across the large mass of bodies, where the interesting music emanated from. A man in a sailor hat screeched over the violent moshing kids.
“Turbonegro” he smiled plainly, and ever so matter-of-fact. Needless to say the sight of an overweight shirtless man in a sailor hat was ridiculously amusing, but the music was quite catchy, to be honest with you now. Time to make a move. I slowly slid my hand up the rough heated denim of his thigh.
“Do you want to go have some fun, Lilly?” I played out. He wasn’t all there at that moment, he would have said yes to anything I’d asked him.

He blushed again. He was almost like a child in his shyness. Not that it mattered to me, of course. I led us through the pulsing throng and out into the refreshing bite of the cold. We crept around to the back alley where deeds could be done away from peoples’ eyes. , where I began to work my tricks yet again. His icy eyes were glazed and in the darkness and in secret I took to work. stripped him of his shirt and let him run his hands under my shirt-Ville’s shirt-and touch me . I didn’t find it a challenge getting him this far. I’d had enough practise, and besides he was too drunk to care at this stage. He pink lips parted in expectance of meeting with mine, surely he was accustomed to moving this quickly with a stranger. I knew his type.

My host was so intoxicated he could barely stand up, instead slumping against the cold concrete wall of the ally; suddenly moving, but rather sluggishly in to kiss me. I managed to get my lips to his throat beforehand. His sigh were as though I was bestowing an intimate kiss, it was very much far from so in reality. But by god he smelled amazing, his scent was exhilarating, a mingle of cigarettes and sweetened blood coursing through meandering veins.
Having had enough of playing with my food, I sank my fangs into his creamy soft flesh. The drunken boy let out a cry and began struggling, yet I held him and knew my strength was the greater. No one heard over the shouts of Turbonegro’s ‘Fuck the World’ from inside the Drum Riser. His dying sighs soon slowly faded out behind the music. With vigour and accomplishment I drank until I couldn’t bear to consume any more of the red hot sweetness. Blood had always given the greatest feeling to me, it was like the essence of life, better than any other pleasure - well, not all. Seeing his lifeless body fall to the ally pavement like a rag doll, I smiled with not a clue to my murderous activities, and half heartedly kicked the beautiful corpse behind some metal bins behind the clubs’ delivery entrance .


This one was a bit rushed :( sorreeey. I'm afraid a german exam was to blame for that one*sulk*
'til next time, thanks for reading, and comments are welcomexxx
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