Deepest Shadows Pt 12

Jun 21, 2006 20:20

Previous Parts 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11


The street corner was crowded with dealers and whores, male and female alike. Sinners each one of them and damned to fate worse than mine. I paid them little attention. I moved to the entrance of the Drum Riser, passing the bouncers and underage punk kids trying to get in. I remember being so bold in my youth, yes. It was surprisingly full at the bar compared to the usual turnout, I came to discover. Ah, I see now, Turbonegro are back. I looked over the moshers to see that their bassist, ‘Happy Tom’, had passed out. I couldn’t help but laugh. I missed this sort of thing from when I was young. Being reckless, having no fear or cares. It didn’t last long as I was plucked from my thoughts by a pair of cold lips on the back of my neck.

“I see you came then.” It was Tuomas. I was pleased to see him and shot hm a flirtatious glance. He took a seat next to me, brushing his hair away from his good looks. He wore a long sleeved black shirt and skin-tight vinyl trousers; I liked his style, he was bold and outlandish like myself, I could see. We had our previous chat revived, about bands, Finland, tattoos - that kind of thing.

“I’ve only one,” I laughed pulling at my shirt to reveal the top of my pelvis ink. He smiled and ran his fingertips over it almost out of line with common decency, making a special effort to stroke the muscles on my torso, trying to seem subtle. Tease.
“Two,” he smirked cockily, showing me the rose on his collar bone - and a tiny broken heart behind his ear. He stood to his feet, and leant over to my ear as I sat closer on the egde of my seat.
“Can we still go to your place?” he whispered, biting my ear lobe. Agh, a little too hard. I didn’t have time to answer before he pressed himself between my thighs.
“Please?” as he ran his tongue over my neck defiantly, teasingly, mockingly. I knew people were staring-but damnit I couldn’t care. I had desire for him from that moment, he was mortal but god I wanted something from him. I simply took him by the hand and caught a cab back to the outskirts of the city leading to the castle - I wasn’t going to give myself away by using the gift now, was I?

The way I saw it I might as well have played with my food, seeing as my Master had forsaken me. I did lust for Tuomas I’ll admit. He had not asked me why or how I had come to live in such a location with such ceremony, and he did not comment on the loneliness I must have encountered living alone thusly-and yet I did not find this fact strange.
I pulled him to the Master's bedroom, the ultimate disrespect to him, furthered by pushing Tuomas to the Master's bed. I would sacrifice my catch on the alter of my lover in defiance and anger towards him. I let him strip my shirt off and crawl on top of me, pinning me to the mattress. I wanted him, I knew what was to be done. No matter that he had me restrained, I was stronger than anything he could fathom and could throw him asunder when I grew tired of my new game. I grew hungry; the thirst was getting too strong after not feeding for two nights. It was time.

I motioned to throw him to the ground.
But he didn’t budge.
He couldn’t have - unless he was…
Oh holy shit

He let out a shrill laugh, grinning, revealing two pearl white daggers behind his delicate upper lip .
“Ah, Bam,” he laughed again brushing his tussled hair aside, “I think you made a mistake bringing me home for dinner” I was at the mercy of a vampire, and I now knew him to be older and stronger than I. How the fuck had I not notice?!

“Let me go!” I pleaded pathetically. I struggled. He only laughed harder.
“I’m afraid not, my lovely” he grimaced sarcastically, scrapping his immaculate nails down my chest, causing me to bleed.
“You see, Bam,” he continued, “There is a method to my madness. Consider this an eye for an eye” I was terrified and hadn’t any idea what he meant. He showed me the tattoo behind his ear yet again.
“Seen this before? I think you have.”
It suddenly clicked. Lilly.
“That’s right, you little shit. Linde, remember? MY mortal boy. Three more evenings and Lilly would have called me his Master. I had been grooming him for the blood for years and you decide to come along and dash all our hard work? His heart marked him as my property, just as yours does to the one who made you” I lay there, paralysed withing the casing of fear and shock. “But my Lilly ran into YOU. And now you're going to pay.”
“Are you g-gunna-” I stuttered on the verge of tears.
“Kill you? No, not yet,” he grinned, ripping away the trousers I wore with his claws, “I’m going to have some fun first, boy.”


I must pitter off and do some important work now I'm afraid, will post asap on demand! Much love and Vam cake<3
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