Deepest Shadows Pt 13 *strong violencia*

Jun 22, 2006 16:41

Previous Parts 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

He sank his teeth into my shoulder, drinking from me. I cried out in pain, he was sharp and held nothing back. I know what he meant to inflict upon me before my dispatch. This was my undoing, my end, my time to die has arrived. I would die, and never look upon the face of my Master and lover again. I lay there under Tuomas’ strength a mass of shivers and cries . His fangs had now withdrawn from me, and left a deep pain in their wake.

“I didn’t know he was-” I strained.
“You assume that matters? You’d only break someone else’s heart, Bam. We can't have that.” he said, then whispered, tauntingly kissing my neck. “Can we?”

He found himself able to hold me down as he fumbled through the beside table as if with some aim.
“Oh, Bam,” he laughed, producing a set of cuffs ( belonging to my Master for more amorous pursuits) “Were you saving these for me? Oh, how sweet.”

Tuomas smirked, cuffing both my hands to the bed forcefully attempting to twist my arm in the process. Now that he had stripped me of my clothing and my dignity, he stared at my vulnerable naked body, turning his head to spit on the floor as if with some repulsion as to what he saw. He looked as if he would do nothing but stare for some time . How wrong to think that. He didn’t bother removing his trousers, only zipping them down. I knew what would come next. These would probably be my last moments; only one thing went through my mind, my love for the Master who was not home to act as my saviour.

My eyes closed firmly; I would hold onto the last shred of integrity I possessed and not let him look me in the eye as he violated me. He straddled my bare thighs, and my fear confirmed itself when I was wracked with an incredible pain. I screamed loud enough to shatter glass as he rammed himself inside me. Yet I just gave up struggling, it won’t be as horrible this way I thought. I let my burning tears flow. He thrust harder and harder tearing me up inside to which I cried so loudly I had some fear I would lose speech. Not that any of that mattered now.

“You love it really,” Tuomas panted, “ slut.” Oh please have some mercy and kill me, please I beg you.

My eyes snapped open against my wishes as he forced himself fully into my being. Through tears I saw my thighs were now covered in blood, if I did not already know by the warm moistness it left there. It would be alright, he would kill me quickly. The pain would be gone. He released me from the cuffs but I was now far too weak to fight him both in strength and in will. He thrust one last time before spilling inside me. He pulled me onto his sweaty chest as I whimpered and shuddered violently, forcing his lips onto mine, invading my mouth with his disgusting tongue.
Just as I felt everything going dark, I fluttered my eyes open to see something over Tuomas’s shoulder; a slender angelic figure stood in the doorway.
I passed out at that moment, and the last thing I remember was Tuomas screeching in agony. Then, it seemed, I died. I felt warmth soothe every muscle, heat against my stone cold cheeks. There was no pain, no hurt anymore. I opened my eyes and through the intense blur I saw a face.

“Master,” I breathed. I began to see clearly. I was not in any heavenly afterworld, but immersed in the waters of our bath. Ville was cradling me in his arms, my head resting against his chest as he cupped water in his hands over my wounds on my torso and cheeks.
“Shh..” he hushed gently. The water reflected dim candlelight onto the Master's white body, giving him an almost angelic, pure white glow. I was safe with my Lord watching over me once more.

He held me, taking us both out of the healing water. I felt pain now, such pain that I couldn’t have stood. But for all his tenderness, all his caring manner, he said nothing. His face was emotionless. He dried me off, gently cleaning away at the blood stains on my lower lip. But not a word, silent as the grave. A shirt of his was taken out and he dressed me in the warmest linen he owned. I looked up at him and wanted him to embrace, kiss me. But he did not. The Master's arms held me gently and safe, but he felt resistant and cold. Not a word of love nor a whisper of affection, but unkind silence.
The Master lay me on the bed. He surely would lie with me tonight, I thought. But he did not.

Ville looked upon me with a sickened glint in his eye, which he just simply blinked away with the formation of any tears he could keep secret. Then he turned and began to walk away from me . Eventually I stopped telling myself he would turn round, and listened as his pace fell quiet as he entered the main hall. I didn't have the strength to move. The pit of my stomach contracted with sickness; I sobbed my eyes out and convulsed in agony every time I choked on my tears. This was worse than before..

“Don’t let me be on my own..” I whispered, “I can’t be alone, Master” and alone I slept that day, somewhere between life and death as I was accustomed , unloved and beaten.

The next night I was weak, but I was determined to confront Master Ville. I was frightened. I was frightened of what I’d done. Tuomas was dead no doubt, and the Master hated me for what I had done. The pain that gripped me was intense, but my thoughts that stung in the caverns of my mind hurt the most. Gripping the edge of the bed and table, I pulled myself onto my feet. I gasped in tears now. But I stood. I walked. I sobbed and collapsed. This I would repeat several times before I could do so no more.

But I’d made it to the main hall. There, on his throne, was the limp slouched form of Ville. My god, my king. He had almost an almost doll like stare, into something that seemed far away and transparent as I believed I was to him. Just a stare into nothing. You did this to him, you really are worthless, I thought. I lay, looking like what I imagine a wounded animal, him still inanimate. But he had a heart I knew , he didn’t derive pleasure in seeing me suffer.

“Master,” I cried quietly, “I have wronged you and I am truly sorry. I have disrespected you and brought dishonour on yourself and your house. I don’t deserve your forgiveness. But please..”
He broke from his fixation at this and began to look at me.

He came away from his throne and hurried towards me as if in panic. Then he did as I wanted all through the night. He held me in his embrace, and for the very first time in our eight years together, I heard him weep. He was my Master and was strong and wilful. I hadn’t thought such a creature could feel sadness as I did. He didn’t speak, but I just wanted to be in his arms now, that did not matter. I fed from him as he offered his neck to me still embracing me tightly, and my strength seemed to gradually return. I withdrew from my gentle feed.
“Bam,” he spoke finally, “it's time.”


And there we have it:psorry about the cliffie m'dears-wait and see...
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