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Comments 11

marag February 29 2016, 19:19:54 UTC
A fax? o_O I'm trying to think of a reason why a fax would be preferred over a scan and I'm failing. Um...they do know that they can PRINT IT OUT, right? I mean, maybe they think the electrons get stuck in the computer and never come out?

(I wish I was totally joking, but I'm not.)


musesfool February 29 2016, 19:52:26 UTC
Yeah, I got nothing. I don't know. But after an hour, the fax finally went through and they emailed to confirm receipt. *hands*


mousapelli February 29 2016, 22:37:13 UTC
this is the story of my life at school sometimes. Wtf the fax. Get over it.

Also a tiny roast beast sounds adorable.

I mainlined Gravity Falls this weekend and it was totally good and you should watch it if you didn't already. I completely see why all of my steven universe flist was also into that. Plus it's over and it has a finite narrative arc, which is always +1000% in my book.


musesfool March 1 2016, 17:07:37 UTC
Ugh, and it hasn't gone through and they're like, "Well the problem is on your end!" and I'm like, MAYBE IF YOU COULD ACCEPT A PDF THERE WOULDN'T BE A PROBLEM!

It's one of those little 1.5 lb roasts? SO GOOD. And since it's so small, I don't mind paying for the higher end cut.

I will add Gravity Falls to my ever-growing list of TV I should watch. Sigh.


tsuki_no_bara March 1 2016, 03:40:47 UTC
a tiny roast beast sounds too tiny to have leftovers! but also, yum. and cute!

i was relieved that drake turned out to be an undercover cop rather than a bad guy, but wow, complicated. i assume the cops don't know he's one of the undead.

ravi's face when the cute barista didn't know the millennium falcon was priceless. we're right there with you, ravi. (also, you're still the best.)

i was totally surprised when blaine crawled out of his own grave. it hadn't even occurred to me that he might be turning back into zombie!blaine, altho considering ravi's test rats keep turning back into zombie rats, i should've expected it. it doesn't look good for major, does it.

i can't believe someone seriously asked you to fax something. o.O


musesfool March 1 2016, 17:28:21 UTC
well, it's really a two-person roast (~1.5 lb) so since I am only one person, it gives me two meals!

i was relieved that drake turned out to be an undercover cop rather than a bad guy, but wow, complicated. i assume the cops don't know he's one of the undead.

Yeah, I think protecting the zombie thing is why he didn't give up Blaine even though he knows Blaine's the one moving in on Boss's territory. SO COMPLICATED.

ravi's face when the cute barista didn't know the millennium falcon was priceless. we're right there with you, ravi.

*nod nod*

I've seen it suggested he could show her the OT, but I feel like someone who hasn't even absorbed that much info via cultural osmosis isn't going to be the best audience. Also, she likes Pam's transgressive rhymes.

it doesn't look good for major, does it.

It really doesn't! But I feel like he purposefully outed Rita to Liv there at the end, and hopefully he'll actually tell Liv everything instead of being scared back into secrecy. I guess we'll see! But not until March 22. Sigh.


viridian5 March 1 2016, 09:18:11 UTC
Ravi has his priorities straight. Not knowing what the Millennium Falcon is makes a person so much less attractive.

Awwww, Drake is an undercover cop and thinks Liv is the best thing that ever happened to him! I'm so happy to hear that, but this show doesn't often let people keep happy things for long so....

The moment they slit Blaine's throat near the open grave, I figured it wouldn't kill him. That poor scout troop though.

I don't know much of policing and the justice system outside of what TV shows, but wouldn't the daughter immediately selling off the coffee franchise and leaving the country set off some kind of alarm bells, even with her boyfriend's confession that he planned and did it alone?


musesfool March 1 2016, 17:45:03 UTC
Not knowing what the Millennium Falcon is makes a person so much less attractive.


Drake is an undercover cop and thinks Liv is the best thing that ever happened to him! I'm so happy to hear that, but this show doesn't often let people keep happy things for long so....

Yeah, that probably bodes ill for the relationship, but at least he's not actually a thuggish murderer working for both Boss and Blaine?

but wouldn't the daughter immediately selling off the coffee franchise and leaving the country set off some kind of alarm bells, even with her boyfriend's confession that he planned and did it alone?

It would! But I don't think they'd have enough to hold her if he'd confessed and recanted about her involvement.


viridian5 March 1 2016, 19:51:37 UTC
I'm wondering if he'll break cover at some point to tell her, as opposed to her thinking he's a thug and murderer.


musesfool March 1 2016, 22:02:23 UTC
I hope so, but somehow it'll be at the worst possible time?


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