trying to learn to walk like the heroes we thought we had to be

Oct 08, 2015 13:04

Last night, when I got home, my internet was once again super spotty - it told me I was connected but it couldn't actually load any websites, so I called TWC and the stupid recording was like, "We will reauthorize your modem! You must unplug your router and then plug it in again after 15 seconds!" So I did that router never came back on. ( Read more... )

technology is not my friend, sports, tv: arrow, henrik lundqvist: goalie boyfriend, you should totally write that, all nichole's fault

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Comments 6

boofadil October 9 2015, 00:46:57 UTC
Is it weird that I've got it in my head that it's Sandra's grave? Although, as much as I like him, I'd take Lance, if only because it means they're not going to have yet another woman die to further Oliver's manpain. And Diggle is an absolute no-go. If it's Felicity or Diggle I'd likely be done.

And yes. If we don't get loads more domestic fic out of this I'm going to be so bummed.


musesfool October 9 2015, 14:19:56 UTC
Oh, man, you mean the baby mama? That could also work.

Although, as much as I like him, I'd take Lance, if only because it means they're not going to have yet another woman die to further Oliver's manpain

Yeah, that's part of my thinking, too. But I'd accept Sandra as someone Ollie would shed a tear for, but not be completely broken by.

If we don't get loads more domestic fic out of this I'm going to be so bummed.

I want it so much! Also! Lyla making Oliver babysit for Sara on the DL. OLIVER AND A BABY. GIVE IT TO ME.


redbrunja October 10 2015, 01:44:27 UTC
I could watch hours of domestic lovebird Olicity. I am just saying. Haters can suck it.



musesfool October 13 2015, 17:06:01 UTC


viridian5 October 10 2015, 06:29:31 UTC
Domestic Oliver was so sweet and happy! I'd happily watch more bantering Olicity at home.

I'm glad the show didn't make a huge thing about it since we got so much flailing about Oliver's secrets last season--and Oliver loves Felicity and understands her motives for providing a helping hand--but I'd like at least someone being very aware that the team then turned around and kept Felicity's continuing work for them secret.


musesfool October 13 2015, 17:06:43 UTC
I think they all probably consider that fair in light of Oliver's secret-keeping, but I also wouldn't be surprised if someone else brings it up later.


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