but i don't care if you don't

Jun 22, 2015 13:21

Ugh, my internet has been intermittent for the past few days because the modem keeps resetting itself every minute or two (not an exaggeration), which is really crazy-making, especially since I'm home today, but TWC can't send a tech out until tomorrow, so I will have to live with it until Saturday, when I'll be home again. I also found the lady on ( Read more... )

technology is not my friend, life, tv: orphan black, tv: star wars rebels, movies

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Comments 5

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musesfool June 23 2015, 03:34:50 UTC
Ha! Yes!


cathybites June 24 2015, 04:15:04 UTC
I saw Spy yesterday and I think I laughed pretty much through the entire movie. It was so good! I was really surprised at how hilarious Jason Statham was (and now I'm giggling thinking about the lake.)

at the very least, now I have renewed hope that the Ghostbusters movie will be good.


musesfool June 24 2015, 16:02:16 UTC
It was so funny and never at Susan's expense.

It totally gives me hope for the new Ghostbusters not to suck.


viridian5 June 27 2015, 07:40:17 UTC
I'm still not sure what to make of that worm thing that came out of that Neolutionist's mouth.

Cosima saying she "made" Delphine make hard choices and then blamed her for them. WTF?

This wasn't even that long after Shay revealed to her that Delphine threatened to murder her and make it look like a suicide. I miss not thinking that Cosima is an idiot....


musesfool June 28 2015, 18:12:59 UTC
I don't know if that was just an "innovation" like that one guy's tail in s1, or if it had more sinister purposes. It was gross, either way.

Yeah, I feel like they leaned really hard into Cosima making terribly stupid choices in her love life.


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