but i don't care if you don't

Jun 22, 2015 13:21

Ugh, my internet has been intermittent for the past few days because the modem keeps resetting itself every minute or two (not an exaggeration), which is really crazy-making, especially since I'm home today, but TWC can't send a tech out until tomorrow, so I will have to live with it until Saturday, when I'll be home again. I also found the lady on the phone really unhelpful this time. She didn't listen to what I was saying, and just kept following her script. Super annoying. Googling around (on my phone) tells me it could be a power problem, or an issue with the splitter, so I've turned the AC off for now, and we'll see if that helps.

Technology giveth, and technology taketh away. Sigh.

Otherwise, this weekend was pretty busy. On Saturday, L. and I went to see Spy, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I've liked Melissa McCarthy since her Gilmore Girls days, though I didn't bother to see her last two movies, as they looked (and the world tells me were) terrible, but this one had good word of mouth, and I really liked that it wasn't what you might think from the ads - she's not incompetent in the field. She's very good at her job, but she's just never gotten the opportunity to do fieldwork, and the movie plays with the assumptions people make about single fat women of a certain age and her character sometimes uses that against people. There are no actual fat jokes! There's other awesome ladies in the cast, including Miranda Hart, Allison Janney, and Rose Byrne as the hilarious villain, Rayna. Plus, Jason Statham is amazingly funny as he sends up every movie he's ever played straight. Definitely recommended!

Then we went out for steak dinner to celebrate my raise, and it was excellent. I had a really good sauvignon blanc the name of which I cannot recall. (Though probably it was from New Zealand.)

Then yesterday, I went to my brother's for a Father's Day BBQ. Everything seems to be going well on that end, and I told him, I said, I'm going to be starting a new lease in the next few months, so you're stuck with him for at least a year even if it doesn't work out! (Though it better work out, because my brother is having a new room built out to make it all work.) I mean, I'm the last resort, and I still wouldn't be able to do things like drive him to doctor's appointments etc. (even if I did relearn to drive and chose to do it, I still would not want to be in a car with my dad as a passenger. I love him, but no. IJS.) and I can't guarantee that even if we bought a two bedroom condo that it would have any kind of patio for him to sit out on, which is what he does now on my brother's deck.

Anyway! My brother didn't start cooking until late (because my brother does everything late. We literally finished dinner and I had to leave to catch the 8:03 train before dessert) and after it had been a beautiful, if humid, afternoon, the skies opened while he was at the grill. It poured for a good forty minutes, too, in buckets. So Victor and Nicki were out there holding umbrellas up while he barbecued. *hands* The food was good though!

Since I wasn't home Saturday night, I didn't get to watch my shows until yesterday morning (I guess it was a good thing the internet was out - I wasn't distracted).

Orphan Black: History Yet to Be Written
Well, that would have been an extremely satisfying series finale if the show only ran three seasons. As it is, we get a lot of loose ends tied up nicely, everyone gets a great family moment with their sestras and assorted other important people, and we end with that last shot of four generations of Sarah's family - lovely! I also loved Rudy and Helena's fight - prison rules! And that Helena is there for him as he dies, but isn't sentimental about it. Also "Howdy, Jesse Towing." (Man, Patrick J. Adams has beefed up a little - for a few seconds, I thought they'd recast Helena's boyfriend!) And Ferdinand going nuts over discovering his henchman was a Neolutionist! He's in clone club now, though. And yes to Susan Duncan coming back into the picture (though does this mean they dangled Michelle Forbes in front of us and then are never going to deliver her?).

Things I didn't like: Cosima saying she "made" Delphine make hard choices and then blamed her for them. WTF? And I'm guessing it was Shay that shot her? I thought Nealon meant that he'd poisoned her with his parasitical blood, and given how Delphine reacted by setting her affairs in order, I thought that's what she thought too, but then she was shot unexpectedly? Anyway, I hope she stays dead and Cosima gets to not look like a dumbass re: relationships next season.

I know some people are complaining that there's another level of conspiracy, but this is a conspiracy show! There's ALWAYS another level! As annoying as it is, that's how these shows work.

I also think they shortchanged the "Castor is sterilizing women" storyline. That was pretty horrifying and could have been unpacked some more, but they didn't. I feel like Castor was some decent ideas that never quite managed to get off the ground, so we got Helena and Sarah as prisoners instead, and it allowed them to give Paul a decent send-off.

Next season, SAVE KRYSTAL!

And then I watched Star Wars Rebels: The Siege of Lothal
Let me just say that I wish more people were watching this show, because after a slow start, it's really picked up, and if you liked The Clone Wars but felt some storylines were left untold *cough*, they seem to be picking them up here.

HOLY SHIT AHSOKA. SHE TOTALLY KNOWS VADER IS ANAKIN. AND SHE DIDN'T TELL. I mean, no doubt she's got to process that and maybe be in denial about it for a little bit (and then maybe get drunk and wonder WHAT THE FUCK, ANAKIN? WHAT THE FUCK?) but she totally knows! (I may have rewound that part a few times to rewatch. Oh my heart.) And ugh, Vader probably still blames her for leaving because he's him. Please let the inquisitor he sends after them be Bariss! Because you know he hates Bariss for what she did to Ahsoka even as he hates Ahsoka for abandoning him, and he knows it's twisting the knife further. Don't let it be Ventress! I love Ventress and I like to think she knows enough to stay away from Palpatine and Vader after what Palps and Dooku did to her. I love the idea of her being like fuck you, I'm just gonna be a bounty hunter now, and hanging out with Hondo. Otoh, the level of contempt between her and Vader would be off the charts, because you know she totally slept with Obi-Wan, and Vader, as ever, is obssessive about Obi-Wan. I spent a lot of this episode going, "Oh, Anakin, no," which is basically what TCW does to a person.

I also really loved how he almost took out the whole rebel fleet himself. Because he's still the best pilot in the galaxy, and he's good enough to pull off his ridiculous "plans" that still mostly involve throwing himself into the fight and relying on the fact that he's better than anyone else. Characterization!

I also liked Hera and Kanan having their little philosophical difference, because Kanan wants no part of any organized military or war, and who can blame him? (His meeting with Rex is going to be...interesting.) but Hera is all-in with the rebellion. Also, I can't remember if Ahsoka was around during The Siege of Ryloth, but surely she knows Hera is Cham Syndulla's daughter. She comes by her revolutionary streak honestly. ♥HERA♥ SHE'S THE BEST, NO LIE. Now if they could just give Sabine more to do/more depth, I'd be happy. (I still don't care that much about Ezra, which is probably for the best, because he's either going to die or turn to the dark side, so...)

Anyway, if you enjoy Star Wars, you might enjoy this show. Sadly, this was apparently just a teaser, and then it's not back again until September, but there's time to catch up on the first season.


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technology is not my friend, life, tv: orphan black, tv: star wars rebels, movies

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