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Comments 10

framlingem May 20 2015, 19:49:31 UTC
Eddie Thawne: thinks death is a better option than a vasectomy.


musesfool May 20 2015, 21:08:32 UTC
Ha! Yes! Really, he should have done it as soon as he was rescued from being captured, especially as there wasn't time once Wells/Thawne was going to murderize everyone.


vonniek May 20 2015, 21:29:57 UTC
Wait, did Eddie killing himself cause the black hole to form? I didn't realize that. Poor Eddie! He meant well, for all the good it did him. Like you, I was hoping for Fringe-style altverse and was disappointed that Barry didn't go through with it, but because of Eddie's action, I think we *will* have some kind of alteration of the timeline. The question is whether it will erase ALL of Thawne's actions across all timelines, or just what happens from now on. Time paradoxes! I love them and I hate them.

Re. iZombie: honestly, I feel like they haven't had a single truly bad episode in all its run -- well, OK, that Clive-centric 1x03 was a bit weak, but I still enjoyed it. Poor Liv. Poor Major! But mostly, I was all about what a great friend Ravi was to both Liv and Major (Ravi's advice to tell Major is the right one! Listen to him, Liv!) and Ravi hugging Liv to comfort her twice (!!) basically made the episode for me. I draw a million pink hearts around them.


musesfool May 31 2015, 23:36:02 UTC
Didn't it? I thought he caused the paradox or whatever that they were trying to avoid by having Barry not be back in time? It was the same sort of thing, I think.

But mostly, I was all about what a great friend Ravi was to both Liv and Major (Ravi's advice to tell Major is the right one! Listen to him, Liv!) and Ravi hugging Liv to comfort her twice (!!) basically made the episode for me. I draw a million pink hearts around them.

Yes to all of this! Sigh.


tsuki_no_bara May 21 2015, 04:04:43 UTC
izombie just broke my heart. i mean, major! committing himself because he thinks he's losing his mind! and NO ONE WILL TELL HIM THE TRUTH. and they really should! and liv! trying not to have to deal with lowell's death! and failing! and ravi trying to comfort her! i just felt so bad for everyone. (ok, mostly liv and major, but still.) ravi is still THE BEST.

i thought this episode was the season finale, and was SO GLAD when it wasn't.


musesfool May 31 2015, 23:36:50 UTC
Not telling Major just keeps spiralling out of control. It's going to be even worse when he finally finds out.


viridian5 May 21 2015, 08:56:56 UTC
I was surprised by how many people were gung ho about Barry going back to stop his mother's murder, considering all the things they know it would change, which isn't even counting all the other things that would also change as a result.

I'm curious about how the next season of Flash will go, whether it'll be an alternate timeline (as I imagine it has to be from all the actions Thawne did while he still existed). Not all shows do that kind of thing well (Witchblade, I'm looking sternly at you).

When Liv's reaction to Major nearly getting killed (if not for the illegal gun he picked up and wouldn't usually have) and his feeling that he's going crazy so he's committing himself to an institution is that she still can't tell him the truth because it would be rough on her, she lost a lot of my sympathy. I'll give her some slack on it because she's feeling guilty about and grieving over Lowell's murder, but still ( ... )


musesfool June 1 2015, 00:00:47 UTC
Yeah, I get that it's Barry's show so he was going to do it, but I wouldn't have had everyone (but Cisco, who understood the ramifications best, I think, other than Victor Garber) so gung ho about it.Especially since it was basically Thawne's plan!

And yes, Liv is mostly thinking of herself when she doesn't tell Major, though she is worried about his safety, the fact that he checks himself into a mental institution should be the point at which she says ENOUGH and tells the truth. It's just going to keep getting worse from there, and she'll deserve it if he never speaks to her again after.


ealgylden May 24 2015, 04:01:05 UTC
I also don't know why Liv hasn't said anything - didn't she see him get shot and not bleed?

Other way around- he saw a non-bleeding bullet wound on her, from when she was climbing into the tree house prison and got shot, but she passed it off as... a poke from a tree branch, I think?


musesfool May 31 2015, 23:34:37 UTC
Oh, right. Thanks. I don't record the show so I can't go back and check things.


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