5% pleasure, 50% pain

Dec 11, 2014 11:07

December 11: heatherlayne_n asked me to talk about Tony Stark ( Read more... )

movies: iron man, tv: arrow, avengers assemble, robins, memes: 31 days of december

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Comments 10

digitalemur December 11 2014, 16:31:29 UTC
I would watch the crap out of a film where Tony and Pepper drank together and solved mysteries. And I love your analysis.

Stane continues to terrify me because he's so loudly nice until the gloves come off.


musesfool December 11 2014, 16:57:20 UTC
Right? Tony and Pepper as high society crime-solvers is a thing that Marvel should make happen ASAP.

Stane continues to terrify me because he's so loudly nice until the gloves come off.

And even his niceness comes with some subtextually creepy behavior! *shudders*


percysowner December 11 2014, 17:54:51 UTC
Although I'm pretty sure that it is settled that Thea killed Sara under the influence, really, we only have Malcolm's word on that, so they can backtrack and have Thea having killed Sara for her own reasons. I mean I'm not really sure why Malcolm ordered Thea to kill Sara, if he did. I guess we are supposed to think he did it so that he would have a hold over Oliver, but I'm not sure that tracks either. It's possible that someone else got control of Thea and Malcolm is taking advantage of the fact.


musesfool December 11 2014, 19:51:26 UTC
Yeah, I don't get Malcolm's plan either. he knows Oliver can't beat him, so why does he think he'll be able to kill Ra's? The only thing it does is protect him from Oliver, not the League. But then again, this is a man who built an earthquake machine in response to his grief over his wife's death, so I don't think sense-making is high up on his list of priorities.


vonniek December 11 2014, 19:03:05 UTC
I, too, am nostalgic about more fannish conversations happening in LJ land. I tried, but I just can't follow the thread of conversations on Tumblr, plus I kinda hate the Tumblr Arrow fandom in general (oh boy, relentless negativity + super-ship focus does not a happy milieu make.) I do think there are good conversations happening in the AV Club comment threads, for all the frat boyness of that place. But the notion of joining up there gives me the pause. Wahhh, why can't we have long-form text discussions about our shows with OUR people? *sadface*


I am reassured that she's going to be showing up in the present, because WHY WOULD YOU CAST KATANA AND THEN NOT USE HER? Otoh, that's what they did with Shado so...I think the fact that there was no body was the biggest clue. Obviously China White is coming back in the back half, and Tatsu will likely play a big role in that plot. Placing Maseo in the League was a clever idea -- this way, they can connect ARGUS/Amanda Waller/China White story with the League of Assassins plot, ( ... )


musesfool December 11 2014, 20:05:03 UTC
I never go off my dash on Tumblr, so I only see what people I already know reblog, thankfully. (Rules for enjoying Tumblr: 1. don't go in the tags, 2. no seriously, don't go in the tags, 3. use your blacklist wisely, and 4. I really mean it, don't go in the tags.)

) I do think there are good conversations happening in the AV Club comment threads, for all the frat boyness of that place. But the notion of joining up there gives me the pause.

Yeah, I find it pretty easy to avoid the things that need avoiding and read the interesting conversations. I do have an account there but I've never posted - I also don't feel like they are my people, so I'm not comfortable with it.

Placing Maseo in the League was a clever idea -- this way, they can connect ARGUS/Amanda Waller/China White story with the League of Assassins plot, beyond Oliver being the common thread.

Oh, good point. I didn't think of that connection, but you're right.

Amell sells the hell out of that kind of quiet emotional moments. It's to his everlasting credit that I love ( ... )


viridian5 December 12 2014, 01:28:11 UTC
I laughed when Diggle called Ollie one of the smartest people he knew

That doesn't say good things about you or the people you know, Diggle, but you're sweet.

Poor Felicity. Good looking, ripped, emotionally screwed up superhero types aren't great relationship material. I'd be happier if Ray weren't so damned creepy and stalkeriffic.

I'm confused by Malcolm's plans here too and can't believe he really thought Oliver could kill Ra's. Maybe he actually has an even more underhanded plan he hasn't told Oliver that involves what actually ended up happening?

When Ra's ran Oliver through then sent him off the top of the cliff I couldn't believe that was the actual end of the fall season. You know, see you near the end of January!

Also, this gives Thea and Roy more common ground - killing people while under the influence!

Awwww, they're so cute together!

I would've appreciated more reaction from Oliver about how Thea's apparently a ninja now.


musesfool December 13 2014, 02:38:02 UTC
That doesn't say good things about you or the people you know, Diggle, but you're sweet.

I mean, he's met Barry, right? But I guess when your everyday choices are Oliver or Roy, Oliver does start to look very bright in comparison.

I'd be happier if Ray weren't so damned creepy and stalkeriffic.

Yeah, I don't get what they're trying to do with that, unless he's going to be bad before he becomes good? Because I can't see them making the Atom a villain for too long.

Maybe he actually has an even more underhanded plan he hasn't told Oliver that involves what actually ended up happening?

Well, it eliminates Oliver's influence (what little he actually has) in Thea's life, thus binding her more closely to him? But yeah, otherwise, Oliver was the only one standing between him and open season on him by the League, so I don't know what he thinks he's accomplishing, but then again, this is a man who built an earthquake machine in response to grief over his wife's death, so who the hell knows how his mind works?

I would've appreciated ( ... )


heatherlayne_n December 15 2014, 13:04:56 UTC
Yaaaaay, Tony! :) Thanks! I concur with everything you said.


musesfool December 16 2014, 14:58:43 UTC


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